Page 155 - Neglected Arabia Vol I (1)
P. 155

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                                 NEGLECTED ARABIA                                9

       as a  mosque is that of Santa Sophia at Constantinople, built by a
       Roman Emperor.
          In India as well as in Malaysia there are a number of examples
       of Hindu temples turned into mosques, in Africa the modem
       buildings arc western in style.                        /                              i
         The mosque, as its very name imports, is chieily a place “where
       prayer is wont to be made/1 but the recitation of the Koran is also
       conducted there during the Friday worship and on special occasions
        such as least-days and the Month of Fasting. In order that the
        sacred volume may be read through rapidly it is divided into thirty
        parts or portions and bound in as many separate little' volumes, one
       of which is read each night                    and silver ornaments. The               i
        during the month of Ra-                       Cairo museum has some                • -
        niadhan. On some occa- waSWffllHH wonderful specimens of
        sions thirty men read each BljraWllWlliAi these ancient Koran cases.
        one  portion, complete the                      There are no idols in
        task, and so obtain the         iff8*         the mosque and with the
        merit of its perusal 'in a                    exception of the words in
        much shorter period. The               * praise of Mohammed no
        caskets in which these                        inscriptions that would of-
        books are kept are many                       fend a Christian. May we
        of them exceedingly beau-/                    not hope that even as the
        tiful, covered with mosaic,                   synagogue became the
        and encrusted with gold                       church in the first century
                                                      so in the twentieth century
                                                      we may see many mosques
                                                      used for Christian worship.


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                          An Old Morgue and Minakkt. Alkito, Syria

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