Page 216 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 216
spectable old man, well known throughout the
country, in perfect readiness to accompany us.
The houses at Sib stand separately, and
in groups of two or three, amidst the date
groves. Fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables
may be obtained, and the bazar, consider
ing the small number of inhabitants, is well
supplied. When the Imam heard of our
arrival here, instructions were immediately
despatched to the Sheikh to furnish us with
whatever we should require, and he certainly
acted up to the spirit of the order. Small
presents of fruit, brought from Persia, pre
serves, and other articles which it was thought
might be agreeable or of service to us in our
weak state, arrived occasionally from the
Prince ; and I have little doubt but that our
speedy recovery was in a great measure owing
to the unremitting attention we received.
I would here rather subject myself to the
imputation of egotism, than omit the follow
ing anecdote, because it displays the generous
feelings I have elsewhere attributed to this
great prince, in a very favourable point of
view. It has been previously noticed that
during my stay at Mask at, a Frenchman was,
vol. I. N