Page 218 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 218


            have originated. Hitherto too little has been
            known in Europe respecting this enlightened

            Prince. His recent appropriate present to
            our Sailor King of a large vessel of war com­

            pletely equipped, and his desire to form a
            more intimate alliance with Great Britain,
            has brought him into some political notice,

            while his munificent encouragement of science
            and the arts, has attracted the attention of an

            influential learned society, which lately nomi­
            nated him one of its honorary members.

               These occurrences are but trifling, and I
            must solicit some indulgence for their inser­

            tion. Indeed, were I to record every act of
            consideration and kindness which we received
            from the Prince during our stay in Oman,

            there are few of the pages of this journal in
            which they might not be made to appear.

            To say that they were accepted with different
            and higher feelings than those with which we

            are usually disposed to view the favours of
            the great, expresses faintly my sense and

            recollection of them; but that they should
            have awakened a feeling of this nature, may
            convey an idea to others of the mode and

            spirit in which they were bestowed.

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