Page 117 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 117

Chapter IV.                    95
             Basrah. The Hon'hlo tlio Court of Directors having, however, disapproved of
             this arrangements Mr. Morloy was, on tho 23rd November 17G6, recalled by
             the Bombay Government from Baghdad.
                14.  In 1775 Karim Khan, Vakil of Persia captured Basrah. On the 2nd
             August 1778 Bombay Government under the authority contained in the follow- p«»ro8'»Ph   160.
             ing oxtract from a despatch from tlio IIon’hie the Court of Directors, dated the
             4th July of the preceding yoar, directed the withdrawal of all the Company's
             servants from Basrah, with the exception of one, on whom it loas resolved to
             bestow the appellation of Besident:—
                ** Wo have Iwtcly received suoh advices from Basrah, datod fcbo 24th January and 23rd
             Februnry 1777, complaining much of tlio oppressions from the Persians on the merchants and
             subjootSj ns givo us very litllo prospect of the revival of trade there, consequently an addition
             of servants and expcuscs would bo only increasing the present burden of that settlement, for
             whioh reason wo now order that Mr. Mooro be admitted to a scat at the Board agreeable to his
             standing. We are very apprehensive when tlio Persians find that the merchants and inhabi­
             tants have no moro money they will begin with our sorvants, which happened some years
             past in Persia, by which the Company were very considerable sufferers. As tlio Agent and
             Counoil seem to think that the Persians would not pormit them to leave the place, they appli­
             ed to Karim Khan to withdraw to Bushirc, hoping by that means to obtain orders from him
             for belter treatment, which was very proper *, but from what has past, and having been so
             often deceived by the firmans, wo have no expectation of redress, and have como to a resolution
             to withdraw our servants from thence a6 soon as can bo doue, in such a manner as not to endan­
             ger tht-ir persons or effects of the Company. The best method that occurs to us is to obtain
             leave from the Khan to come to Busbiro which probably ho may not refuse being under his
             Government. When this is effected, nud after staying a short time there, all the servants but
             one, must return to Bombay. Wc now repeat our former orders never to risk more of the
             Company’s property at Bushiro than Its. 10,000 at any one time. If Basrah should be given
             up to the Turkish Government, as before, wc permit in such case that a Besident be sent there ;
             but you must givo us previous intelligence of such measure that we may give orders in what
             manner the settlement is to be ultimately established.”
                15.  In tlio diary of this Government for the 25th May 1779, allusion isP*r»gr#ph 164.
             made to a letter having been received from the Resident at Basrah, dated the
             25th of the preceding month, “ reporting the circumstances of the late revo­
             lution in that city, by which it has again reverted to tlio hands of the Turks
             and that tho Resident entertained the pleasing hope that by this change “ the
             Hon’hlo Company would again possess every advantage which they formerly
             had in the Gulf.”
                16.  In the same letter the Resident stated that it appeared to him pro- paragroph 166.
             bablo that the Court of Directors on hearing that this change had taken place
             in the Government of Basrah, and that there was every expectation that the
             Hon’blc Company would meet with tho same countenance as formerly from
             the Pasha of Baghdad, would resolve on continuing the factory at Basrah ; the
             Besident therefore resolved, pending further orders, to retain Mr. Abraham
             at Basrah for the imrposc of assisting him in the management of the Company's
             affairs. The Besident also solicited that the Surgeon ivho had hitherto been
             attached to the Juctory might be permitted to remain. Both of these applica­
             tions were complied tvilh by Government in a letter dated the 31st December
                17. In a letter dated the 10th July 1783, tho Resident at Basrah solicited p«*graph ico.
             permission permanently to locate a Native Agent at Baghdad on a salary of
             Its. 1,100 per annum for the purpose of transacting business with the Pasha
             on account of the Hon’ble Company, whose duty it would also be to forward
             intelligence and packets to Basrah. This arrangement was sanctioned by Gov­
             ernment on the 30th November 1783.
                  (ii) Appointment of Resident at Baghdad and Political Resident in Turkish
                                     Arabia, 1798-1846.
                 18. On the 5th July 1798, tho Court of Directors appointed Mr. Harford
             Jones (then in England), formerly “ Joint Factor,” at Basrah to ho “ Besident
             at the Court <f Baghdad ", at which place Mr. Jones arrived on tho 24th of
             the following month, and assumed charge of that appointment. This appoint­
             ment was made by tho Hon’hlo Court iu supersession of a temporary arrange­
             ment made a short timo previously by Mr. Mancsty by sending a Mr. Rcinaud to
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