Page 118 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 118
96 Part II
.Baghdad, as Agent on behalf ot the Hon’blo Company, and had in view
amongst other objects the facilitating the transmission of news to, and from
India, and of watching the proceedings of French emissaries who were occa
sionally proceeding to, and from, India, through the Baghdad Pashalic, with
the view, as was supposed, of communicating intelligence to General Bonna-
pnrlo, who it was believed projected an invasion of India via .Egypt and tho
Bed Sea.
Paragraph 190.
19. In consequenco of a representation to Government from Mr.
Jones of tho danger to which ho had been rccontly oxposod from being
without medical advice during his illness, and tho Pasha having about tho
same timo expressed a wish that a British Medical Officer should he perma
nently located at Bnghdad, that ho might, liavo tho benefit of his medical advice
whenever requisite, Government, in September 1800, appoiuted Mr. JamcB
Short, a Surgeon on the Bombay Establishment, Civil Surgeon to tho Baghdad
Faragraph 191.
20. In September 1S00 Government complied with an application pre
ferred by Mr. Jones for having a native guard attached to Baghdad Residency,
and a Jemadar, with 1 Havildar, 2 Naiks, 25 Sepoys, and a Drummer and
Infer wero sent from Bombay to Baghdad for that purpose.
Faragraph 198. 21. On the IGtli January 1803 the Earl of Elgin, His Britannic Majesty's
Ambassador at tho Court of the Sublimo Porte, addressed a letter to Mr. Har
ford Jones, stating that the experience His Lordship had had of tho interrup
tions to which Mr. Jones' residence at Baghdad was liable, and the intrigues
to which ho was exposed, from not possessing the same sanction from tho Tur
kish Government that every other accredited foreigner on joyed within tho
Ottoman Empire, had induced His Lordship to avail himself of tho opportunity
which the recent appointment of a now Pasha to tho Baghdad Pashalic had
afforded, as a favourable occasion for establishing a right to the establishment
of a British Resident at Baghdad, and that His Lordship had accordingly
obtained from the Sultan a “ Birat " to that effect, conveying to Mr. Jones,
tho then Resident “ every privilege and protection in the same form in which
they are granted in all provinces of tho Empire.”
22. The translation of tho Birat shows that it was granted to Mr. Jones, as
“ British Consul of Baghdad and the environs ; " and there is not a word in
the doc.umeut that would lead one to infer that it was given on account of his
position as an accredited representative of the East India Company at the Court
of the Pasha.
23. In 1806, the Residents at Baghdad and Basrah were placed immedia
tely under the control of the Bombay Government and were ordered to corre
spond with it exclusively.
Paragraph 216. 24. When Mr. Rich was appoiuted Resident in 1S08, the Government letter
to Soliman Pasha ran
" The Government ever anxious to preserve the relations of friendship and amity which
have subsisted from time immemorial between tho British Government in India, and the
Wolis of Baghdad, hut more especially tho late Suleiman Pasha, have appoiuted a new Resi
dent, etc.
Far/igraph 217. 25. In the same way, in 1S03, Sir John Malcolm was appointed :—
“ Envoy extraordinary to the King of Persia and the Pasha of Baghdad.*'
Faragraph 223. 26. In 1809, Mr. Rich, not having been treated by tho Pasha with tho respect
and attention to which he considered himself entitled, withdrew from the Resi
dency and encamped at some distance : he refused to return until tho Pasha
had written out an agreement containing six articles and binding himself down
to the due fulfilment of its conditions.
27. In a despatch dated 30th August 1S09, the Court of Directors said
Paragraph 228.
ii they had resolved to immediately consolidate the Basrah and Baghdad Residen
cies and that the Baghdad Residency should be withdrawn ; and that what
ever communication of a political nature it might he necessary in future to
have with the Pasha of Baghdad, should he mado through tho medium of tho
jResident at Basrah as formerly, or by his assistant deputed to Baghdad
/or that purpose. Mr. Rich, who was to he the new Resident at Basrah said
Paragraph 220.
that from “ motives connected with the good of tho service,” he had decided