Page 141 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 141

Chapter V.                     119

             sulato building and 6ilo, the rccurrcnco of which charges will bo largely obviated by the oon-
             eturotion of a proper building with a river revetment, wo arc of opinion that that part of our
              annual contribution which is baaed on the averago cost of the Agency under the heading of
              “ Contingent Expenditure” may, whon tho now building is complclol, be with justice reduced.
              Wo shall submit detailed proposals to Your Lordship on this point, when we are in possession
              of fullor information regarding the plan of: the new building and the expenditure on reclama­
              tion and repairs which havo been incurred in the past."
                 109 A.—As regards maintenance and repair of the new buildings, tho arrangement
               Kxtornal A., February 1005 (No*. 3G-:»7).   agreed to was (1) that all internal repairs, including
               External A, Septciubor 1905 (No*. 00-55).  tlioso to tho Post Office portion of the building,
              should be nrraugod for by tho Consul, and tho cose of the repairs to tho Post Offico should be
              rccovored from the Indian rovcnucs, and (2) that the Government of India should contribute
              for tho oxlcrnal und structural repairs in proportion to the estimated cost of the Post Oflice
                               (ii) Consulate House at Baghdad-
                 110. Tho Consulate Houses and the grounds at Baghdad formed part of the
              property of the late Sir Ikbal-ud-Dowlah,* who died in December 1SS7, and
              was held at an annual rontal of Its. 4,014-14-0 made up as follows :—
                                                   R*. A. P.     Its. A. P.
                                                Per mensem.    Per mensem.
                    (a)  Government of India contributed ... 157  1 2  1,884 14 U
                    (b)  Political Resident  »>  ... 100 0 0   1,200 0 0
                    (c)  Residency Surgeon   n  ... 47 8 0      570 0 0
                    \d) Foreign Office   ii     ... 30 0 0      3G0 0 0
                                           Total ... 334 9  2  4,014 14 0
                111. The Foreign OIdee contribution was fixed at £ 30 per annum in 18S3—
                                            as an office allowance, in reduction of
               General B., Juno 1882, Nos. 21S-25-1.
               A., General E, November 1883, Ncj 23-31.   what tho Consul-General had to pay
               A., General E.. May 1881, Nos. 76-77.  previously, on condition that the Foreign
              Offico contribution should bo met from the Consular foes which were all credit­
              ed to tho Home Government.
                                              112. In 1S93 the Government of India
               Vide No. 626, Sccrot E., March 1893, No*. 490.
              530.           ......     . agreed to rent the Baghdad Residency
                                        IS tom their Native Agent at Katl.imain
              >• Riven below.               Nawab Aglia Mahomed Khan, if he pur-
                                      “* c’’ chased the premises from the heirs of the
               Uouic in back gardou u«., rent Rs. 33-5-1 late Sir Ikbal-iul-Dowla. The arrangement
              ^ Residency Surccon’* house nnd dispensary Ba. proposed AN as RS follows !*■“ Government
              19,500, rent Rs. 66 por niensem.   to lease the premises for tlirco years at a
               Rs. 1.2-1,/go. reut s. 4 •   rental calculated to return the Nawab
              4 per cent, on bis actual outlay (Us. 1,24,750), exclusive of an annual contribu­
              tion of Rs. 1,200 a year for current ropairs. The premises were purchased for
              Rs. 1,24,760 and 4 per cent, on this makes tho monthly rental payable
              Rs. 415-13-4.
                  113. The purchase by our Native Agent was completed in 1896, and the
                                            increased rent for three years would
               Extornal A.. February 1897, No*. 161-169.
                                            commence from 1st May 1S96. As regards
              the contribution to this rent, the decision of the Government of India was
                                            (letter No. 35^9-A, dated 22nd February
                Ibid No. 169.
                                            1897, to tho Political Resident)
                 “The rent hitherto paid by the Residency Surgeon may remain unchanged, but the Gov­
              ernment of India consider that ti.o Resident’s quota must be ro vised, iho premises now include
              a house in the back garden, and the Resident is a gainer by the increased accommodation thus
              provided. The rental of this house at 4 por cent, on tho purchase money is Rs. 4,HOC a year,
              and the Government oE India cannot under the circumstances accept more Ilian half of this as
              an additional charge on Indian revenues. The total rent of Rs. 4,990 a year (which is
              exclusive of an annual contribution from the Government of India not exceeding Ks. 1,200 for
              current repairs) will tborofore be distributed as follows :—
                     Government of India                         ... 2,550
                    Resident with the assistance of the contribution from the Loudon
                        Foreign Office                           ... 1,870
                    Residency Surgeon                                570
                                                      Total      ...  4,990
                            # A* to tbo cilatuol Nawab Iklul-ud-Dowlab, ico Chapter XV11I.
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