Page 144 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 144
122 Part II.
grbund that it would interfere with the river. It took somo time before tlio
obstruction could bo removed, for which
External A.. May 1903, Nos. 30-41.
a rcforcnco had to be made to the Porto
by our Ambassadors.
32C. The buildiugs woro notexpcctod to complete boforo May 1904?, wbilo
tlio lease of tlio old Residency would
External A., September 1003, No. 10G.
expire on 1st May 1902, and its owner was
anxious to terminate the leaso to enable him to sell the building, for paying off
his debts. After much biggie-haggling Major Newmarch induced him to
ronew the leaso for 3 years in the following oonditions :—
(1) for the year ending 30tli April 1903. on tho provious terms ;
(2) for tho year following at Its. 4.60 per mensem, exclusive of the
allowance of Its. 100 for repairs ;
(3) for the third year at Its. 580 per mensem on tho samo condition as
No. (2).
126. The Government of India sanctioned this proposal, and decided to pay
the extra rent out of their own funds. It was pointed, however, that under
tho contract with Messrs. Herman & Co.,
Ibid No. 106.
tho buildings were to be ready for occupa
tion bv 1st May 1904- (Foreign Department letter to the Resident, No. 15S6-E.A.,
dated Gth August 1903.)
126.«A, The ultiraato cost of tho buildings camo up to Rs. 3,24,303,
which included about Rs. 36,000 for tho
External A., April 1905, Nos. 35-69.
1st and 2nd rivor walls.