Page 150 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 150

128                        Part II.
                       Pr receding! No. 399 of General B„ May 1891, Noi.  ld7. On Mr. Plowdcn joining tho Agcn-
                       Proceedings No. 113 of General B„ September Cy, that is} ill 1831, llO obtained sanction
                      1881, Not. 112-118.           to the following establishments:—
                                                {a) English Office.
                                                                        Its.  It8.
                             1 Nativo Agent                             200
                             1 Dragoman                                 150
                             1 Senior Clerk                             100
                             1 Junior Clerk                              80
                             1 Translator                                125
                             1 Treasurer                                 70
                             1 Third Clork                               20
                                                                        ----- 7451

                         (Tbe Treasurer drow alio Ri. 70 from tho Dcicrt Po»t Fond and Ri. 30 from the Iudinu
                                            Postal Di-pai tment.)
                                        (6) Otnlahs—Vernacular Establishment.
                             1 Turkish writer  • M                 • ••  86
                                                                               YRg. 850
                             1 Persian writer                            30
                             1 Arabic writer                       • ••  24
                             1 Shroff      • ••                    • ••  15
                                                                       ------ 105 J
                                       (e) Post Office—Paid by the Postal Department.
                             1 Postmaster (duties performed and pay drawn hy tho 3rd Clerk
                                of the Agency)   ...                          60
                             1 Munshi (duties performed and pay drawn by the Treasurer of
                                thoAgenoy) ...   eee     Me              in   30
                                                               Total     m    90

                          148.  Subsequently (in 1883) tho Officiating Political Resident in Turkish
                                                    Arabia submitted two proposals, whereby
                       A., General E., Juno 1983, Noi. 20-22.
                       A., General E., November 1833, Nos. 23.31.  savings of Rs. 20 and 30 in each case were
                                                    to be effected. Hut theso proposals were
                       * A., General E., April 1884, Noi. 1-2.
                                                    referred to Mr. Plowden, who submitted
                      and obtained sanction* to the following scheme, that tho arrangement under
                      which the Postal Department pays the Treasurer of the Residency Rs. 30 per
                      mensem, and tho Political Department pays the Postmaster (otherwise called
                      3rd Clerk of the Residency) Rs. 20 per mensom should ccaso, each Department
                      paying the entire salary of its own clerk; that the Treasurer, Mr. G. Thaddeus,
                      should also be made an Accountant, and draw a salary of Rs. 150 per mensem,
                      and that the Desert Post Fund should pay Government Rs. 35 monthly for
                      work done for the Desert Post by Mr. Thaddeus.
                          149. The effect of these arrangements was to make Government pay an addi-
                                              r,. r,. tional sum of Rs. 25 monthly as shown on
                        Increase to Treasurer
                      Deduct • Pay of 3rd Clerk  - 2Q 80 the margin on account of theso establish­
                       Contribution from Desert Post Pond ... 35  ments. But this additional charge was borne
                                              —65 ^ by Government for about two years only,
                                Coil to Government ...  25 as in Juncf 1866, a saving of Rs. 74 per
                                                 ~ mensem was effected by the abolition of tho
                        f External A., July 1836. Kos. 120-181.
                                                    post of second clerk who drew Rs. 80
                      monthly, and by tho addition of Rs. 6 per mensem to tho pay of tho Arabic
                      writer of the Vernacular Office, which raised tho latter’s pay from Rb. 24 to
                      Rs. 30 a month.
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