Page 151 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 151

Chapter VI.                    129
              IDO. A further reduction in the expenditure bf the Residency was made
                                         when the Turkish writer of the Vernacular
            ndePM«pr«p|i^of^rrcKccdingi No. 131, External office retired, lie drew Rs. 36. This was
           a , July is, «•. -o- .        reduced for his successor to Rs. cO which
           was formerly fixed for the post.
               151.’When the Finance Committee submitted proposals for reduction of tho
                                          expenditure in the Baghdad Residency,
             Estcrnal A., November 1857, Nos. 113—117.
                                          Colonel Tweed io proposed to endeavour to
           reduce tho pay of the Accountant and Treasurer on the occurrence of a
           permanent vacancy in that Government. Tho Government of India accoptcd
           this proposal (Foreign Department letter No. 20G5-E., dated 12th October
           1887, to tho Political Resident, Turkish Arabia).
               151-A. It would be useful to bear iu mind tho names of tho members of
                                          the establishment, as some of them come
               Political A., August 187-1, Nos. 150-2.
                                          into unworthy prominence later on (see
           Chapter VIII (iv),page 957. Tho following list is taken from Consul-General’s
           No. 28, dated 18th March 187*1:—
             List of the Establishment of the Political Agency in Turkish Arabia.

           No.        Names.          Designation.           Elmaukb

             1  Air. Michael Minas  Nativo Agent     Grandfather camo from India: was regis­
                                                      tered as a British subject in tbo tiruo of
                                                      Midhut Pasha.
                                                   C Armenians born at Busrah, their grand­
                                                      father leaving Julfa near Ispahan in
                                                      Persia settled at Busrah, himself as well
                                                      as bis son (thoir father) served succes­
                                                      sively the British Government as Dingo-
                                                      mans at tho Factory of tho Hon'ble
                                                      Ka«t India Company at that Port since
                                                      1778. They resided at Bombay from
             1  Mr. Goorge Thaddous   • •S  Dragoman   childhood, and being there educated held
             1  „ John Thaddous   Head Writer         employments at tho Preside: cy until
             1  „ .1 amen Thaddeus   Accountant       the appointment in 18-13 of Major (now
               „ Gabriel Thaddeus  Treasurer       •( Major-General Sir Henry) Hawlinson,
                                                     Political Agent, Baghdad, when they
                                                      were entertained at Bombay by that
                                                     officer as offico establishment of tho
                                                      Political Agency in Turkish Arabia and
                                                     accompanied him to Baghdad, whero
                                                      they servo ever since. 1 beg I may bo
                                                      informed whether under the circum­
                                                     stances of their having thus served the
                                                     British Government for threo genera­
                                                     tions I may claim them as British
             1  Meerza Mahomed Hossein.,.  Persian writer   British Indian subject.
             1  Mahomed FfTondi   Turkish do.
             1  Syud Has ran     Arabio do.
             1  Abdoolla ibn Yusif Ezrah   Scroll do.
             1  Mahboob Agha     Jomadar of peons
               Huran             Peon
           •!  Elyas   ...       Do.
               Haji Mahomed      Do.
               Kauthem ibn Jaood   Do.
               Hermuzd   ...     Durbar servant
           2 {  •loodeo       • ••  Do.  do. ...
             1  Kauthem          Waterman  • ••
           2   Rahim             Kulasee
                                                   - Turkish subjects.
             1  Mahmood Agha     Du (Tad ar
             r  Eunus Agha ...   Horseman
            6*!  Shebeeb „         Do.                                                     I
               Ashor „   ...       Do,
               Mahomed Khalod      Do.
               Ali ibn Mahmood     Do.
             1  Mahomed Ibrahim    Do.
             !  Mahomed ...      Groom
            3  Abdoolla ...       Do.
               llussoin ...       Do.
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