Page 181 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 181
Chapter VIII. 159
your office ns to demand tho exemplary punishment of tho chief offenders. The persons most
gravely implicated in these matters are the Head Cleric, Mr. Johannes Thaddeus, and the
Munshij Mirza Kuchick. You have suspended the latter, and as to the former, you enquire
whether he should bo retained in Government employ, pointing out at the samo time that he
is entitled to pension. I am to observe, however, that pensions aro intended to be tho reward
of long and approved sorvico, and arc not to bo given to persons who arc officially reported to
have been concerned in embezzlement. In the opinion of His Excclloncy in Council dismissal
from the sorvico of Government is the appropriate ponalty for the misdoings of all these
persons. And I am to request that effect may bo given to this decision in the case of
Mr. Johannes from the date of receipt of these orders; and in the case of the Munshi from
the date of his suspension.
It appears from your letter that the Thaddeus family have secured a monopoly of the
appointments in your office, and that a change in this arrangement is extremely desirable.
You should, therefore, report whether Mr. George Thaddeus is entitled to pension under tho
prescribed rules ; and if this he ao, he should ho directed to retire at once. With regard to
Mr. Yakub Thaddeus and Mr. Gabriel Thaddeus, it is not possiblo to provide them with
appointments in India, and they may he allowed to remain in their present position pending
further orders which will he communicated hereafter.