Page 177 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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Chapter VIII.                 155
            Baghdad was useful in Iho then state of affairs, Lord Salisbury, however,
            informed tho India Office that ho would offer no objection to any course tho
            Government of India miirlit wish to pursue in tho matter (Porcigu Offico to tho
            India Office, dated 20th July 1878).
               255. When tho decision of the Government of India was comnnmioalod
                                          to Colonel Nixon, he oll'crcd a very
             Gonoral A., November 1878, Nob. 3-7.
                                          humble apology expressing regret for his
            conduct (letter dated 3rd Sepfomber 1S7S). The apology was duly accepted by
            tho Government of India and lie was informed that the orders passed for his
            transfer wore rcscincd (letter No. 2975-G., dated 2nd November 1878).
                (iv) Claim of Makbul Hosscin to the property of the late Sahebzadi Begum.
               Malpractices of the Office establishment attached to the Turkish Arabia Political
               25G. In the month of August 1876, tho Government of Bengal forwarded*
                                          a letter from the Officiating Commissioner
             General A., March 1877, Nos*. 8-1G.  of tho Patna Division, asking that a copy
             • From Government of Bengal, No. 2533, dated
            10th Auguct lt>7G.            of any objection which might have been
                                          filed in the Court of an official known
            as tho Mirza Babu at Baghdad, against the claim of one Makbul Hosscin in
            respect to the property of Sahebzadi Begum of Gya, who had died at Mecca,
            might be obtained and sent to the Government of Bengal, as it was required
            in the Government interests in the suit of Hor Majesty’s Secretary of Slate
            versus claimants to the property of the late Baraleo Begum and Sahebzadi

                257. In Eorcign Department unofficial No 1S57-G., dated the 25th of
            August 1876, Colonel Nixon was desired to furnish ibe required information.
            His letter No. 30, dated 14th October 1S76. submits a copy of the proceedings
            in the ease, from which it appears that liani Saheba, alias Sahebzadi Begum,
            died on the 4th of June 1875 at the shrine of Kerbulla after having in accord­
            ance with a practice seemingly “ regularly recognised by the rules of the
             t Sco patnpraph 2 of Colonel Nixou'a lcltor   Shccalisfi left her property to Bibi
            No. 30, daial Mtb October 1S7G.  Bcajummcc, her nurso and foster mother.
                25S. After Eani Saheba’s death Makbul Hosscin filed a petition claiming
            to ho her brothor. The claim was investigated by Nawab Ahmed Aga, tho
            Nativo Agent, who reported that the petitioner was not the deceased lady’s
            brother, and as her property had been disposed of before her death, nothing
             : Vide pararrnph 3 of Colonel Nixon’a letter of COllld 1)0 done ill the matter,} and Makbul
            14th October is7o.            II ossein went a way to India. Here in so
            far as he is concerned the ease ends, tho papers relating to him, pages 4« to 7
            of enclosures to Colonel Nixon’s letter No. 30, dated 4th October 1876, aud
            extract paragraph 1 and A to A, paragraphs 2 and 3 of that letter, may he seut
            to the Government of Bengal, with reference to its docket No. 2533, dated 10th
            August 1876.
                But in connection with the ease Colonel Nixon charged certain members
            of his Office establishment with having—
                1.  Instigated the bringing of a falso charge against Nawab Alimod Aga.
                2.  Exerted their influence to aggravate and foment the ill-feeling which
            had existed botween tho lato Political Agent (Colonel Herbert) and the Turkish
                3. Entrapped unwary pilgrims from India for the purposo of filching
                259. The particulars of the first accusation are as follows :—
                The bequest to Bibi Bcajummcc was accompanied by an injunction that
            she should give a portion of the property to Mirza Jullalloodecn Bukht of
            Sahibguugo in Bengal, a nephew' of the husband of tho testatrix. Bibi Bcajum-
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