Page 173 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 173
Chapter VIII- 151
The authority to appoint a Pro-Consul hereby granted to Consuls may also bo oxcrciscd
by Vice-Consuls w hero there is no residont Consul, and tho twins ** Consuls'* and "Vice-
Cousul n in this despatch shall bo deemed to includo any acting Cousul or Vice-Consul.
A fonn of appointment of a Pro-Consul is annexed to this despatch for your guidanoe.
Form of appointment of a Pro-Consul.
In Her Britannic Majesty's Consulate.
I (A B), Her Britannic Mujcsly's (or British Vice-Consul) at (town), on be
half of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of S*ate for Pore-go Affairs, and by virtue of thc
authority iu me vested, do hereby appoint (C. D.) to bo British Pro-Consul at (town) for the
purpose of administering oaths, and talcing uUidavi's or affirmations, and of performing all
and every notarial acts and act uuder the powers conferred on Pro-Consuls by tho Act6 18 and
19 Vic., Cap. 42, and subject to the condition-* laid clown in regard to such appointment by a
circular despatch of tho Right Hon’ble tho Karl of Derby to Iler Majesty's Consular repre
sentative abroad, dated the lith day of November lS7G.
In witness whereof I havo borcuuder subscribed iny name, and affixed the seal of this
(Consul or Vice-Consul.)
240. The action taken by the Government of India will bo seen from tho
correspoudonoe printed below —
No. 2078-G., d-ted Simla, tho 2Slh July 1877.
From—T. II. Thornton, Esq., D.C.I,., CSI., Officiating Secret-cry to tho Government of India,
Foreign Department,
To—Colonel J. P. Nixon, Consul-General mid Political Agent, Turkish Arabia.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 25, dated 23rd June,
and previous correspondence, on the subject of your recent nomination of a Mr. Carter as
successor to Mr. Robertson, late Assistant Political Agent and Vice-Consul at Busvab, who has
been recently transferred to Muscat as Officiating Political Agent.
2. The explanation contained in your letters above quoted is not considered satisfactory
by thc Government of India. The substantive office held by Mr. Robertson, before his
transfer to Muscat, was that of Assistant Agent. The salary and allowances attached to that
olfioc are defrayed by the Government of India, and all appointments thereto, whether officiat
ing or permanent, vest in his Excellency thc Viceroy in Council and no other authority. It is
truo that thc Assistant Political Agent for Turkish Arabia usually receives from tho ForJgn
Department of Her Majesty’s Government the rank and powers of Vice-Consul, but his Vicc-
Cousular appoiutmeut carries with it no stipend, and is secondary to bis 6ubstautivo one.
3. Accordingly in nominating Mr. Carter as successor to Mr. Robertson, and reccinmend-
ing him for appointment as Vice-Consul, without the previous sanction of thc Government of
India, you exceeded your own authority and ignored the authority of His Excellency tho
Viceroy and Governor-General of India in Council.
4. The Governor-General in Council is glad to learn from your letter under acknowledg
ment that thc apparent disrespect involved in your proceedings was unintontional ; but while
acquitting you ol intentional disrespect, His Excellency iu Council is constrained to regard
your proceedings as wanting in intelligence and care.
5. Apart, however, from tho manner of his nomination, His Excellency in Council dooms
it undesirable on many grounds to confirm Mr. Carter in the office of Assistant Political
Agent at Basrah ; he will accordingly bold office until such time as ho is relieved by an officer
appointed by His Excellency iu Council, and I am to add that ou further consideration Ilis
Lordship in Council is not prepared to appoint your sou to tho office.
Telegram, No. 2090-G., dalod 30th July 1877.
From—Foreign Secretary, Simla,
To—Colonel Nixon, Baghdad.
Your letters explaining circumstances of Mr. Carter’s appointment as Assistant Political
Agent, Bussorah, received. Mr. Carter's appointment not confirmed ; he will be relieved by
Captaiu Eraser, Assistant Political Agent, Bushiro. More by post