Page 221 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 221
Chapter X. 195
inlviguo at the bottom of this affair, which has coincided with the appearance of a Russian
Consul at Baghdad, where there is not a single Russiau subject and no Russian trade. Mr.
Wyndham distinctly states that Russian action is suspected and it would obviously be very
convenient to Russia not to find the British flag on tho Tigris whenever she makes her next
move in Armenia.
Tho Vnli of Baghdad is Mahomed Tnki Eddin Pasha. I am informed by Mr. Alvarez that
ho is known as holding fanatical opinions in religious questions."
10G. Mr. Wyndham brought furthor pressure to bear upon the Porte, with
the result of the telegram of 20th August 1583 quoted above (paragraph. 96).
10C-A. As bearing on this question we shall extract the following passage
from letter dated 22nd August 1883
Secret E., November 1883, Nos. 20*10 (No. G5).
addressod by tho London Chamber of
Commerce to the Foreign Oflico :—
" The question appears to he one not only affecting important established
interests, but also bearing materially upon the status of the British Jlag in
eastern countries. The Commercial progress of Russia in Armenia and northern
JPersia further adds, in this Chamber's opinion, to the necessity for carefully
retaining all rights this country may possess in Mesopotamia and Southern
jPersia, and of extending them, whenever possible, rather than of accepting
limitations which may be considered by native races as indicating a prepon•
derancc of influence other than that of the Government of this country."
107. This view needs to be borno all tlio more in mind in these days, when
Germany, a more powerful rival of England commercially than Russia, is strain
ing every nerve to acquire a predominant position in Turkish Arabia, and is
perhaps strongly supporting every movement of the Turks to oust the British
influence, which has been built up with so much patienco and perseverance
during the last two centuries.