Page 272 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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242 Part III.
K&run to gonoral navigation, wliioh was regardod there as a concoaaion exclu
sively to tho advantage of England. The Admiralty was ihorcforo requested
" that tlitf oxpcdioncy of sonding a squadron to tlioso w a tors at no distant date
may bo kept in view, and that tho Lords Commissioners of tho Admiralty will
oouaider that arrangements could most oonvoniontly ho mado for tho purpose”
(lottor, dated 26th November 1888).
317. Tho Porsian Amhaaaador at tho instanoo of Sir W. Whito addressed tho
following noto to the Porto on tho 26th
Xitiraal A., June 1869, Noi. 148.140.
February 18S9, which was followed by
exactly a similar memorandum by Sir W. White :—
« It is clear that tho construction of fortifications on the 8hat-cl-Arah is contrary to the
convention concluded through the mediation of Russia and England at tho time of tho exchange
at Constantinople of the ratifications of the treaty of Eizoroum, dated 21st March 1848.
,r No notion contravy to tho provisions of tho convention can be legitimate without the
consent of tho two signatory powers of the above mentioned treaty, as well as that of tho medi
ating powers, haviog been obtained.
“Now this action, in opposition to the said convention, whose provisions are at present in
forco, has given rise to strong remonstrances on tho part of England and Persia, and it is
submitted that the fact that no attention is yet being paid to these remonstrances cannot
naturally serve to maintain tho friendly sentiments which exist between the two countries.”
318. The works at the Fort wore suspended on account of rains for some
weeks at the commencement of the year
XxUrool A., Jam 1889. Not. 143*148.
1889, but wore rosumed soon after they
319. On 6th July 1889, the Political Resident, Persian Gulf, telegraphed
to us that the Turks were pushing Fao
Secret E., July 1889. Noi. 239-241.
Secret E., Auguit 1889, Noi. 5B-67. Fort vigorously. This news was con
Secret E., September 1680, Noi. 266-1BS.
firmed by Colonel Tweedie and tho Direo-
tor of Persian Gulf Telegraphs.
820. In July 1889, the Consul-General telegraphed to Sir W. White that
Sccret E., October 1889, Not. 6-9. tho works on Fao fortifications had been
Secret K., March 1690, Noi. 183-217. discontinued, which fact he believed was
due to his personal representations to tho Porte. The works were, however,
resumed soon after.
321. In March 1890, H. M. 8hips Sphinx (Commander Boldero) accom
Iniult to Briliih abipi-of-wer at Fao. panied by the Griffon and Redpole under
Secrot E., June 1890, Noi. 382*411. instructious of the Comraandcr-in-Chief
of the East India Squadron, visited Fao.
322. On attempting however to land, Commander Boldero and his party
were fired upon by the garrison, where
fleent E., July 1890, Noi. 170-180.
upon they returned to their ships. The
following report of Captain Boldero himself may be read
“ I arrived at Fao on 10th instant, with Griffon and Redpole in company. Next morning
I attempted to land with Commander Blaxland to interview the officer in command, with a
view to visiting the fort; but immediately my boat touched land, the ramparts were manned
with riflemen who opened firo on us under the direction of a Turkish officer. I therefore
decided to retire to the ship and telegraph to the Admiralty and Commandcr-in-Chief for
further instructions. I also telegraphed to Colonel Ross. I had taken the precaution to have
arms and ammunition in the boat; but not wishing to complicate affairs I decided not to
return the fire; but had any one been hit, I should certainly have returned it. In coraplianoe
with a telegram from tho Admiral, I demanded an explanation from the Commanding Officer
of the fort; his reply is unsatisfactory; and is that I gave him no official information of my
intontion to visit the fort, and that the Officer Commanding who is at Basrah gave orders no
oDe was to be admitted to the fort or its approaohes and that thero was a quarantine cordon.
He mentioned nothing about the filing. My orders are to demand explanation for being fired
at from the nearest Turkish authority, and the Governor of Basrah is evidently the man, and
1 think it advisable to interview the Wali in vour preaonoe, and hear if ho has anything to
£xplain ?”