Page 32 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 32

10                          Part I.
                    the Muhaisen Sheikh of Mohammerah became kuown. as the chief of the Kaab
                    and the Muhaison became as it wero the leading section of the Kaab' tribe.
                         27-A.Tho following pedigrees of thochiofsof those tribos, are compiled from
                     the Gulf Administration lloport for 18^0-90, Curzon’s Persia (Volumo II) and
                     information derived from Proceedings Political A., September 1879, Nos. 74-86,
                     and references in the old Bombay records :—

                                         I.—Sheikhs op the ICaad Arabs.
                                       (Belonging to the Al-bu-Nasir family.)

                         I. Kailr Bin Mahomed (Uio Aril knonn clilel). murdered
                         J. Abdullah, murdereU ...   ...   ...   ...
                         3. S-Arlnn, murdered ...   ...   ...   ...     (1000—1722-A-D.
                         4. Mir lUlimau, murdered   ...   ...   ...
                         6. Farajullah (I7JM76I) murdered.
                                * Tahmaz Khanfnr, murdered (1735).  8. Salman.  0. Otbman.
                                                        (These two brother* ruled fointly 1737-01, when OlbmaodUd.
                                                             Salmon oouiluucd (o rulo III! KG'}).
                               7. Bunder |17:<6 37) murdered bj Salman.
                               10. (ihanlm (1700.00), murdered.        Son.
                               11. ll.-unknl (1770-S2), murdored.
                               12. Obalhbau (1762-02), murdered.
                     Mah omed.
                               13. Mubarak (1702-01), ousted bj
                               14. Faria (1701-05), ousted by
                               15. Alwau (ItIj-IMI) ousted by
                               10. Barakat (I9 il-ll).________
                           17. Qfaejth (1612-29). The Qrat to bo called Sbcilh, murdored.  18. Mobadir (1628-31).  20. Tbamor (1837-40).
                                               10. Abdulla*(1631-37).
                                                  22. Lu(U.
                                             Oaihbao.  Bashir.
                                                       21. Paris (IB40-?)
                                                Mahomed Khan. Bahmab. Mir Abdullab, Governor of Dob Mollab.
                                                                 (These tbree Sheikhs ruled conjoint]/).
                                            Jaflr Khan (1831------). Deposed 1888. reinstated 1850.
                             Lultl Kban and bis sons Gatbban and Bashir ircro murdered in 1878 by Jofir Kban and bis brother Salman.
                                       II.—Sheikhs op the Muhaisen TaiBB.
                            (Formerly dependent on the Kaab Arabs, but now known by the same name.)
                               1. Htjl Yusof (the first known oblef). Built Mohammerah.
                     I. Htjl Jablr Kban (P 1681). Originally acted as deputy ol Sbeikb Thamor at Mobammcrab. Mado Governor by tbo Persians.
                             3. Mahomed.  Mital Kban (1891—) present Sheikh of tbo Kaab and   Khazal.  Salman.
                                              Governor of Mohammerah.
                         28. The earliest connected account of the Kaab we have got is in a des-
                       Basrah Factory Diary No. t*jj of 1766-67. patch* of the Agent and Council of Basrah
                                                    to the Court of Directors dated the 9th
                      1600-1600 No. CLXIV.          April 1767 and is quoted below :—
                         a We forward this address to Your Honors by the way of Aleppo to give cover to a
                      packet received the 31st ultimo from tho Presidency by the Eagle, and at the same timo to
                      enclose a duplicate letter from this factory bearing date the 23rd of the last month. In con­
                      sequence of tho orders received from tho Presidoncy by tbo Eagle, wo now transmit Your
                      Honors the best accounts we can collect as to tbo rise of the troubles with tho Sheikh
                      Saliman. The Chaub is originally a subject of Turks, and has for mauy years possessed
                      a considerable territory within their dominions bordering upon the Persian Empire for whioh
                      he ought, and did for some years, annually to pay a large sum of money into tho Treasury
                      of this Pachasbip. A few years after the death of Nadir Shah, and in the troubles that
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