Page 37 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 37

Chapter I.                      15
           of tlio fleet being defrayed by the Valcil (Basrah dospateh to the Court, dated
           Gth October 1707, Selections, No. CLXIX).
               45. The Bombay Government considered the terms offered by Karim Khan
           reasonable and ordered that a treaty should be concluded accordingly and
           measures taken for the reduction of Mccr Mobnna (letter from the Presidency,
           dated 17th November 1707). An agreement was accordingly made by Karim
           Khan which provided for (1) an obligation on the Vakil’s part to pay 15,000
                                          tomans for the Kaab, after the capture
            Basrah Factory Diary No. (1*193 of 17C8.
                                         of Knrak, and grant of the island also to
           the East Indian Company, and responsibility for any losses that the Kaab might
           inflict on tlio English in future (Mr. Skipp's letter to Basrah, dated 10th
           April 1708).
               40. The East Indian Company’s cruisers* made an attempt against Karrak
            •Sco Low's History of tlio Indian Navy, Volume   but met with disastrous failure (letter from
           I, pngo 167.                 the commanders of the expedition, dated 21st
           May 1708). Kerim Khan dcspachtcd his army to Genowa after considerable delay,
                                          but when it reached the coast, tlio Agency
                  Selections, No. CLXXVII.
                                          had withdrawn the English cruisers, as
           Mr. Moore feared that tlicro would he never a serious attempt made by the
           Persians to use the Company’s ships (Basrah Despatch to the Court dated 2 Ith
           October 1708). The Persians then attempted to reduce Karrak themselves,
           and while thoy were besieging the island Mccr Mohona escaped to Grain, was
           thence taken to Basrah, where lie was put to death by order of the Pasha of
           Baghdad. The Karakcrs thereupon surrended the island to Karim Khan. The
           agency at Basrah wished to take possession of the effects of Mcer Moliana,
           but in this the English were baulked. In this sutuation the Resident Mr.
           Morley resolved upon withdrawing to Basrah. This was done in 17G8.
               47.  In 1774 war commenced between Persia and Turkey. The Persians
            Dtipatch to tbc Court of Director* from Easrri’n, were defeated by the Pasha's troops in Kur-
           d*tcd in loiruary 1775. Selection,, So. cci'ju. distan, and it was apprehended that Karim
           Khan would soon attack Basrah. While the inhabitants were in this suspense
           the Kaab people (in revenge for execution of an Arab of that tribe punished
           by the Mussolini for robbery in Basrah) for several nights together came up
           the river ia small boots, entered the town in parties, robbed and plunded the
           houses and towards tlio morning retired with their booty. The guards who
           were sent against them were easily beaten back. It was feared by the Turks
           that these outrages of the Kaab would bo soon followed by Persian attack
           on Basrah. The East Indian Company’s agent, was in these circumstances
           souuded as to tlio attitude the English would take in this contingency, but
           lie informed tbc Turkish authorities that they would observed strict  neu-
           trality and leave Basrah when he thought it prudent, iu case Basrah  was
           besieged by tbc Persians.
               48.  The Persian Army, as was expected, soon after marched towards
            Persian Gulf Minion Diary No. 281 of 1775*70. Basrah, and invested tllC place OH 7th
           Selections, no, ccxii.         April 1775. While 15 of the gnllivats of
           the Kaal) moved up the Shat-el-Aral) carrying seigo guns for tlio besie­
           ging army. The following letter from Messrs. Ilonry Moore, Green, and
           Latouclic to Mr. Beaumont at Bushirc, received by him on 30th March 1775,
                                          shows what action was taken by the East
            Bairali Factory Diury No. 11—203 of 1775*76.
                                          Indian Company’s cruisers :—
              “ "Wc despatch this letter by the way of Grain purposely to inform you that the- Persian
           Army under Saddu (Saduk) Khan is advanced very near Basrah and that the part of it has
           already crossed the river, that the Chaub’s gallivats the day beforo yesterday pushed part
           our vessels and joined the camp: that our ships burnt one, that another is taken and that the
           rest arc very much shattered, and that had the wind continued favourable and the Eagle kept
           up with them, in all probability the whole would have been destroyed, which wo hope however
           of having an opportunity of effecting.
              Vie desire you will acquaint Sheikh Nasir of this circumstance, whioh we doubt not
           will be pleasing to him and that you will inform us as speedily and as secretly as possible, by
           the way of Grain or any other route, what conduct the Busliiro or Bundorik people intend
           taking in the present deputes between the Turks and Persians.”
               49.  The purpose of the Agent and Council was to embrace this favour­
           able occasion to wreak vengeance agaiust the Kaab for their old misdeeds,
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