Page 327 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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                                     CHAPTER XVIII.

                              Pension of Nawab Ikbal-ud-Dowlah-
                  73. Nawab Ikbal-ud-Dowlnh was tbc only surviving son of tho Nawab
              Shums-ud-Dowlah, who was the second son of Saadut Ali Kliau, Nawab
              Vizier of Oudh.
                  74j. On a petition presented by Nawab Ikbal-ud-Dowlah in January 1836,
              the Government of India wrote to the Resident at Lucknow, saying that—
                 “ this branch of the Lucknow family possesses a peculiar claim to the exertion of our good
               Vide paragraph 10 of Report from Chief Conmilv offices in t heir l.elialf j and it is requested that,
              ■ioncr, Oudh. No. 153,tinted iiih s«|.tomlcr lt>G5 alter making the necessary references, you will use
              (Political A., September 1865, No. 110).   your influence with the King* to obtain for the
               • Nusscor-ud-Dccn llydcr.    family a pension of similar amount to that which
              His Majesty offered to their late mother of Its. 2,-lOU per meusem."
                 75. The King replied to the Resident’s solicitations in tho following
                 "As it has always been my wish to provide for all the members of my family, I havo
                                            granted to tho descendants of the late Nawab
               ♦ " Noth.—Thrro is no list on record,   Shums-ud-Dowlah (for whom no provision had
             but tbc Allowances were,   it is bolicvcJ,
             for three sons' at Us. G25 each   ... Rs. 1,875  been made) the sum of Lucknow Sicca Its.
             Two daughters, at Us. 312-6 each  G25 2,500 t<> be paid by the English monthly from tho
                                            1st. March 1 b35, and continued during the life­
                           Total   ...   2,500  time of each pensioner according to the listf which
                                            will bo sont hereafter.
                 76.  In 1859 the Government of India raised the pension of Nawab Ikbal-
                                            ud-Dowlah from Rs. 625 to Its. 1,250
                Foreign Cons., 11th February 1859, No. 2.
                                            per mensem on account of " the aid ”
             (pecuniary) “ ho afforded during the Persian war and tho hearty good-will lie
             displayed to our causo.”
                 77.  In October 1865, in reply to a dcspatchf from tho Secretary of State,
                                            forwarding a memorial from Ikbal-ud-
                $ No. 34, dated 16th May 18G5.
                J No. 143 (Politi. al), dated 21st Oclobor 18C5.  Dowlah, the Government of India submit-
                | Political A.i September 1865, No. 115.
                                            ted§ a full report|| from the Chief Com-
             missioner, Oudh, upon tho circumstances stated in the Nawab’s representation,
             and said—
                “ we arc of opinion that (ho claims of the Nawab have been fairly met, inasmuch as the
             pension of which he was in receipt was doubled for his services during the Persian war.
             Should, however, Ilor Majesty's Government think otherwise, we are willing to raise the pen­
             sion from Rs. 1,230 to Its. 1,500 per mensem for his life, subject to reconsideration at the
             death of tfie Nawab."
                 78.  Tho Secretary of State replied:—
                "The Nawab Ikbal-ud-Dowlah has been waiting in England for more than a year, oxpect-
              c ,    . c, . , .   . .      ing some final decision upon his case, and is now '
                                                          . r ,
                                                                , .
              Secretary of Stato’a despatch No. 77(Political), ®  ,  .
             dated 17th' October 18GG.     very desirous of returning to his usual place oi:
              Officb Note.—Nawab Ikbal-nd-Dowlab appear* residence in Baghdad. I have felt, therefore, tho
             to bavo retired to Baghdad About tbo jear 1843; bis necessity of taking liis case into consideration upou
                                      ° U. own merits, on a review o£ all its circumstances
              (Please seo Proceeding*. Foreign consultation, 28tb as stated by the Nawab himself and ill tho report
             Soptcmbcr 1344, Nos. 153-1550   0f the Junior Secretary to the Chief Commissioner
             of Oudh. Tho Nawab is now advanced in years and lias no children. Though only the third
            son of Nawab Shums-ud-Dowlah, he has always been put forward as the head of tho family
            and the representative of its claims. ****** The Nawab lias added
            to the claim upon the British Government for services rendered during the Persian  war
            *    *   #   * by tho display of conspicuous loyalty during the time of ths sepoy
            mutinies and of tho insurrection in Oudh, in which so many members of his family were
            seriously compromised. In consideration of these circumstances, I have, with the concurrence
            of tho Couucil of India, resolved to fix the future stipend of tho Nawab at tho amount con­
            ceded by tho King Nasecr-ud-Dceu llydcr to this branch of the family, vis., Us. 2,500 per
            mencoin, payable for his life only. I liavo authorized its dishurcemout from the date of the
                     0 , . ,c„r           Governor*General's last recommendation,’ll and to
                 * 2i*t October 18.5.     bo paid £rom the Treasury of tho Political Agent
                [S 64.6 ED]
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