Page 322 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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290 Part IV.
50. Tho Oliiof Commissioner -was at tho Bamo timo of opinion that it was
* that tho ncaror rolations of Kulsum Begum should ho dissatisfied with an arrangement
which places her in clinrgo of a porson, who cannot be expected to take any action with regard
to her claim to tho property of tho deceased poosioncr, and who as urged by hor relatives ban an
interest in her death/1
51. With rofcronco to tho roport of Colonol Nixon, No. 45, dated 11th April
187(5, that oiliccr was asked to furnish a
No. 116E-0., dated lit Juno 1670.
fuller narrative of the dispute in regard to
guardianship, and of his proceedings connected therewith, to bo accompanied
by an explanation of the statement made by him that Mchrnli llossein had
“ gravely misbehaved ” at Baghdad. No was further desired to satisfy himself
by personal enquiry that tho minor and her property were in safe hands. In
continuation of tlicso orders tho Political
Ko.*te»i8thJuij 1878. Agent, Turkish Arabia, was furnished
with a copy of the letter from Oudh, No. 118, dated 20th Juno 1876, and No.
168, dated 13th October 1870.
No. 41, dated 7th Auguit 1870. 52. Colonel Nixon sent tho narrative
„ 48, „ 2nd „ „ and explanation asked for.
53. He stated that on tho death of Taj Mahal Begum, he had written to tho
Chief Commissioner of Oudh, informing him of the circumstance and asking
him for instructions, but those instructions were not furnished, as the Chief
Commissioner considered ho had not the power to give them, so far as they
concerned the guardianship.
54. Colonel Nixon at first desired to place the minor under the guardian
ship of Nawab* Ikbal-ud-dowlah, the
No. 44, dated 14th Auguit 1876, paragraph 4.
cousin of the late King of Oudh, who was
the husband of Taj Mahal; hut the Nawab declined the charge of Kulsum
Begum whom ho considered spurious.
Paragraph 22 of the lettcri Not. 41 and 43, dated 55. It is also stated by Colonel Nixon
7th and 2nd Auguik 1876. that—
11 Mchndi Hosscin * * * was turned away from the service of Taj Mahal Begum for
running away with another man's wife ; bo 1 should not, under any circumstances, have consi
dered him a fit guardian; he has sincobccn instrumental iu getting up two false telegrams :
ono in regard to the fact that it was intended to marry the girl to some person * * * , and
a second one to Government that the minor Kulsum Nissa Begum's life was iu danger/'
66. Besides this, the man was in Lucknow when Taj Mahal died, and did
Paragraph 4 of letter No. 44, dated 14th Auguit not appear ill Baghdad Until six niOlltllS
1876, from coionii NUon. later. Colonel Nixon, therefore, as a last
resource, made over Kulsum Begum to the caio of Bamzan Ali who was tho
brother of the deceased.
No*. 41 and 43, datrd 7th August 187C, and 2nd 57. In respect to heirship Colonel
idem, paragraph 17. Nixon wrote that—
“ Ramzan Ali Khan had proved his claim before this Court to be tho nearest heir of the Into
Taj Mahal Begum, and that the depositions of tho chief members of tho family of the late
Padishah, Shall of Oudh, had recognized him as her legitimate heir ;" that Bamzan Ali Khan
being the brother of tho late Taj Mahal Begum
Nos. 41 and 43, dated 7th August 1876, aud 2nd idem, would ordinarily, under Mahomedan law, inherit
paragraph 23.
before any one else ; iu fact by Almeric Ram
sey’s “ Chart of family inhoritanco according to orthodox Mahomedan law/' tho husband
inherits first, secondly the father, thirdly tho grandfather, and fourthly the brother; “that
Paragraph 5 of ColouelNiion’i letter No.44, dated Ramzan . Ali Khan hears his claim to inherit
14ib Auguit 187C. under the Treaty as the brother of the lafo Taj
Mahal Begum, and in no way rests his claim on the life or right of the minor Kulsum Nissa,
whom he regards as having no claim to Jiis deceased sister's properly ; his rights as a brother
* * can hardly he ignored, cud he was recognized as the brother of the deceased Taj Mahal
Begum by the late King of Oudh, Nusscer*ud'din Ilydor, himself during his life time ; “ that
Paragraph 7 of the abore. “ tho reputed mother and father of the minor
Kulsum Ni?sa died during Taj Mahal Begum s
lifetime, icvortl years ago and tho Political Agent considers that “this fact alono will
• Sco Chapter XYIII ^bout Nawab lkbal.ud*Dowlab.