Page 320 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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288 Part IV.
31. Tho parlies were Shialia and accordingly if tlio relationship to Taj
Mahal as above described was made out, Kulsnm Begum would have tbe prior
32. Notwithstanding tho fact that Ramzan Ali claimed to be heir to Taj
Mahal as against ICulsum Begum, Colonel Nixon, Political Agent, Turkish
Arabia, proceeded to appoint him as her guardian, as she was stated to bo a
minor. Ho further declared Ramzan Ali to bo tho heir, without taking into
consideration the fact that the parties were Shiahs. Colonel Nixon's blundering,
in which lie continued in spite of warnings of Government, resulted in endless
litigation and led to an amount of correspondence, which is as voluminous as it
is tedious roading, but worth being summarised, as a commentary on the con
fusion an obstinate officer can create, and as a warning for avoiding tbe pitfalls
in any similar caso in future.
33. On the appointment of Ramzan Ali, as guardian, by Colonel Nixon,
Syud Mcbndi Hossoin, representing himself to be uuclo and step-father of
the minor, prayed to have the protec
Depoiit, January 187G, No. 32.
tion of tho girl upon an order issued by
the Civil Court of Lucknow appointing him tbe lawful guardian.
34. Melmdi Hossein’s petition was returned to him, with its cnolosures, for
submission through the Chief Commissioner of Oudli.
35. Subsequently, Melmdi Hosscin telegraphed that he had obtained letters
of administration of the estate, and that
Telegram, dated 12th February 167G.
he entertained fears of the safety of the
life of Kulsum Begum, as Ramzan Ali, her guardian, was believed to be her
36. These particulars woro communicated to Colonel Nixon, who was at
the sgipo time asked for a report on the
Eudoricmeot No. 434-G., dated 21th February 1876.
cape, Melmdi IIoBsein being informed to
that effect.
37. Tbe Political Agent replied that at the time Taj Mahal died, Mehndi
o/nec Memo.No.435-0,doted2iti»February 1876. Hosscin was in India; Mehndi Hossein
Letter No. 46, dated nth iprU i87fi. therefore could not be appointed guardian
of the minor; that in fact he had ‘‘gravely misbehaved” at Baghdad. The
minor was therefore made over to the custody of Ramzan Ali, where it was in
tended to let her remain unless Government order otherwise, or until the
question of heirship was decided.
38. Colonel Nixon also denied that Ramzan Ali was inimical to Kulsum
Begum ; but it must bo confessed that Ramzan Ali was himself aiming at the
possession pf the estate, and was said to have even gonp so far as to dispute the
legitimacy of the minor.
30. Mehndi Hossoin again reported his fears in regard to tho life of
Telegram, dated 24tl> February 1876. Kulsum Begum, and solicited that
Petition, dated 26th March 1876. Government would take steps to put into
execution the order of the Civil Court appointing him guardian.
Dated 17th May 1876. 40. Later two telegrams were received
.. 18th „ „ in the Office.
In one, Sakecna Begum, the nurse of the minor, complained that Kulsum
Begum was in the greatest peril from her being placed under the charge of her
In the other, Kulsum Begum made a complaint similar in effect to the
above, hut including ill-treatment, and prayed to he brought to India with her
41. Tho substance of this telegram was communicated to the Political
Ko. 1077.Q., dated loth May 1876. Agent, Turkish Arabia, who reported that
Telegram, dated 20th May 1876. the statement of Kulsum Begum was un
true; that Ramzan Ali was a highly respectable old man, and that Mehndi
Hossein and one Syud Abbas had made a disturbance and obtained charge of
the miuor.