Page 316 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 316
284, IV.
21. The principles $n XvL'iCk llie'Govcrn-
•Mr. CadiilBgbRmVdftniKiffielftllelter.dated 22od
1602 *'• I8°2, t)<"' jnorit of India desired* to infoi-m the
FcJfiign Derartmont loiter No. 2238*1., dated tba
j.dwjws 180.. No.. 201- a(ira!nistl.atiori 0£ tUo endowment wore
Foreign Dopartmont letter No. 1195*I.i dated tile
lltU April 1894 (luteroal A., Juue 1891, No*. 292*
397). briefly as follows
(1) That a list of Mujtnhids who were permanont residents at E-orbolla
and Najaf should bo .prepared and revised from tiuio to 'time,
including auy Mujtahid who may have ’"boon -added to the .
number and striking off any who may have censed to reside at
those places or who may liavo coascd to deserve tho title of Mujj-
(2) To .distribute tho whole of tho Bequest among tho Mujtahids on
this list either in equal shares or in such proportion as may
lidrcafter he determined.
(3) To stop the distribution at Katbimain.l
(4) To tako no official cognizance ;of any distribution2 other than that
(already indicated) among tho Mujtahids.
(5) To stop the payment from the Oudli Bequest of the Native Agent
at Kathimain and his establishment and of the Consular Agent at
Kerballa and'his establishment.
•(6) To prevent the interference in future of these-two mon with the
Oudli Bequest in any way.
22. Major Nowmarch, Officiating -Political -Resident in Turkish Arabia,
appears to have been tho first officer
External A., Boptomter 1903, No*. G7-8G (70).
who was able to tackle with the ques
tion‘thoroughly and in his letter No. 390, dated the 2Cth September 1002,
submitted;proposals for the administration of the endowment, which wero in
tho main accepted by the Government of India. Tho ' tenour of his proposals
and tho decisions of the Government of India will be clear from aperusal of the
Poreign Department letter No. 1577;E.,
Ibid (No. 83).
dated the 13th July 1903 :—
I o'paragraph 16 arid tho fdllowing'paragrapbB of tho above letter (letter under reply) yon
correctly stated the general view of the Government of India, which is, that “tho income of
the* Bequest should be distributed ‘Under the supervision of tho 'Political1 Bccdctt' to a certain
nturVcr cf residing permanently at the shrines of Kcrballa and ITcjcf, and that it is
not a me-*0 cbmitable grant for the benefit of the poor of theao places. It :s noticed with
iatiefr/iiion that thodistribution at Khadimain has entirely ceased, as this di-vertiou of a por
tion or tto funds of the Bequest was inconsistent with the declared pc!i<sy of tho Government of
India and v.njusrifiable undor the terms of the Hequcst. Tho fui.tb r.vr.ilr.b'o lLovk! a.t-ruato-
ly ba (‘istrihrited ia equal sharos, so far as-this can bo olWotcd" Without undue -hardship to
Mujtahids who arc 'permanent residents at Kcrballa-r.nd “Nejof, and no official cognizance
will' be taken of any distribution other tliun that to tho Mujtahids themselves. Your
provisional sections of Mujtahids is acccptod by the Government of • India, who
agree that tho difficulty of choosing a suitable person on a vacancy occurring. raay,
in1 future,' m a gcr.cVal rule, be met by obtaining the approval of the remaining recipients
to the successor suggested, subject to the consent of the Political Resident, with whom the
final appointment must always remain, and who will have the pov/or'of-removing on sufficient
greunde any Mujtahid from the list of recipients. The number of Mujtahids should probably
not be Ins than ten or more than twenty at each place; the lower limit irny, as suggested in
paragraph 4 of your lottor No. 315, dated the 17th Juue 1903, be observed for the presont at
The conduct of Ibrahim Khan and of his brother, Agha Mahomed Khan, has di'.qun.ificd
then"from- rcprosei'l’ng the'BritUh Government and you should dieponoa with tliciv service u
yea havo not dor.o 60 ; advising His Britannic Majesty 's Err.buJsy T.t Constantinople m
Vegard to iUv.hiin Kkr.n* Tho necessary steps are being taken with vegr. •. to tho appointraonts
of Mine Mahvsntd Jlassan Mohsin as Vice-Consul charged with tho gouoral supervision oi