Page 319 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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                                     CHAPTER XVII.

             Disposal of the pension and property of Nawab Taj Mahal of Oudh
                                   deceased at Kerbella.

                 23. To understand this complicated caso we must bear in mind at outset
             the following pedigree :—
                              T»j Mnlml tli.d 1870.   lUuuan AH Khan,
                                  Hurried.        Claimant ai heir to Taj Mahal.
                  (i) Na'Mr-ud-din,       (ti) Kulb flosscin.
                    King of Oudh,
                    died 1837.
                                       Motahira or Muzhara Begotn.
                       (0 Ja(Er Hondo and after hia death (ii) hi* brother Mohndi Uoiscio.
                                 Claimant a* heir to Taj Mahal
                                   venue Hamzau All Khan.
                Taj Mahal was the wife of Nassir-ud-din Hyder, King of Oudh.
                24. 13y the Treaty made with the King of Oudh in the year 1829 the
                                           English Government had hound them­
              General A., June 1677, Nos. 17—114.
                                           selves to pay to her and her heirs pension
            of Its. 72,000 per annum.
                25. Nassir-ud-din Hyder died in 1S37 and after his death Taj Mahal would
            appear to have manned one Kulb Hosscin, hy whom she had a daughter,
            Muzhara Begum. This Kulb Hosscin died before Taj Mahal, and had left at
            his death among other property a “ Kothec ” at Cawnpur, some houses and
            gardens at Lucknow, and promissory notes to the value of Its. 1,50,000 deposit­
            ed in the Bank of Bombay.
                26.  Muzhara Begum was stated to have married in tho first instance one
            JafGr Hossein, a nephew of Kulb Hosscin and the girl Kulsum Begum, who was
            one of the claimants to Taj Mahal’s estate was said to bo tho offspring of this
            marriage. After the death of Jafiir Hussein, Muzhara Begum married his
            brother Melindi Hosseiu. Muzhara Begum died before Taj Mahal; hut whether
            before or after Kulb Hossein was not clear, probably before him.
                27.  Taj Mahal left Lucknow on the 19th of November 1859, and proceeded
            toKorbcllaon a pilgrimage; but she remained there till her death in 1875,
            and bad so far settled down there as to acquire some immovable property.
            Whether Kulb Hossein or Muzhara Begum went with her or whether either
            of them was then still alive, docs not appear.
                28.  Tho pension payable to Taj Mahal, though under the 6th Article of the
            Treaty payable only in tho British territory in India, was paid through the Poli­
            tical Agent in Turkish Arabia from the time Taj Mahal took up her abode
                29.  In the year 1S75 Taj Mahal died at Korhella and she left, besides the
            hereditary pension and whatever property she inherited from Kulb Hossein,
            tho immovable property she had acquired at Kerbclla, certain immovable pro­
            perty in Oudh, and certain movable property which she had with her in
            Turkish Arabia.
                30.  The right to succeed to her entire estate was claimed on the one hand by
            the girl Kulsum Begum, and on the other by one Ramzan Ali, who iras the
            brother (whether the full-brother or tho half-brother was not clear) of Taj
            Mahal. Both Kuleum Begum and Raniaan Ali were at Baghdad.
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