Page 317 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 317
Chapter XVI. 285
tho working of tha fund and of tho interests of British subjects at Kcrbalh: a Nat ire Agent
appears to bo no longer roquired at Kadhimain as tho distribution there has ceased.
Subject to such arrangements as further experience may show to be desirable, the Resi
dency shroff may, as you propose, be retaiued uuder closer control and may be granted a
commission not exceeding ono per cent, on monies remitted by him from Baghdad to
Kcrballa and Ncjcf; this percentage will be debited to the Bequest.
In view of the terms of Article 3 of the Agreement of 1835, income-tax should not be
levied on tho Bequest. The necessary instructions will bo issued to the Accounts Officer con
In conclusion, T. am to say that the Government of India appreciate the industry and
thoroughness with which, in the faco of considerable difficulties, you have treated this troublo-
Eomo and complicated piece of work, and I am to congratulato you on the satisfactory results of
your efforts/'
22*A. A memorial was received in February 1905 by tho Horae Govern
ment, purporting to be signed by cortain
Secret E., August 1005, Nos. 193—100.
Mahomed an Soyyids, Sheikhs and others,
protesting against tho action of Major Newmarcli in changing tho old C3tabliahcd
order of distribution.
On enquiry it was found that the memorial bad been tho work of a man
named Itcmad-HS-Sadar, tho Private Secretary and factotum oi; Soyyid Mahomed
Bakir Tabatabas, tho Mujtabid at Kerbella, who formerly received and distri
buted the wholo of the Kerbella moiety of tho Oud'u Bequest, and that most of
the signatures wore not genuine.*
* Sco paragraphs 18G—193 of Chapter I1I-A, pages 84^5, as regards the question of including Agba Sfcurobiani,
tho famous Pcrj'uu Mujtabid, amoug the Mujtahids to reccivo a portion of tbe Oudh Ucqueat,