Page 371 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 371
Correspondence about the Kerbella Massacre, 1843, between the
Foreign Office, the British Ambassador at Constantinople, the
Envoy at Teheran and Lieutenant-Colonel Farrant.*
Constantinople ;
18th March, 1843.
To the Earl of Aberdeen, K. T., Sfc., fyc.} fyc.
No. 56.
My Lord,
I mentioned in a former despatch that I had requested Lieutenant-Colonel Fnrrant to
proceed to Baghdad, conoeiving that his presence thero in the unfortunate circumstances occa
sioned by Nejib Pasha’s conduct, might not only contribute to elucidate the truth, but to
check the further progress of mischief. Subsequent intelligence has confirmed in my appre
hension the expediency of that measure, and I am therefore happy to inform Your Lordship
that Colonel Farrant, who had arrived mcanwhilo at Erzeroom, was to set out for Baghdad
about ten days ago, and that. I have 6cnt a Jatai with instructions t<» meet him in that city.
The extraordinary silence of Her Maje^y’s Consul, who wrote to congratulate Nejib Pasha
on the assault of Kerbela two days before he last wroto to me on the loth of January, and did
not apprize me of his having taken so marked a step, is an additional reason for wishing to
have au intelligent and trustworthy officer on the spot. The copies inclosed herewith of the
Instructions, which I have addressed to him will inform Your Lordship more particularly of
the objects to which I have directed his atleution.
I havo furnished him with letters of introduction. A copy of the letter, which I have
addressed in this view to the Fasha himself accompanies this despatch. It was forwarded
beforo the Porto had consented to appoint a Commissioner. .Monsieur do Bouteneff has
authorized Colonel Farrant to act on behalf of tho Russian Embassy also, and a copy of His
Excellency’s letter is inclosed herewith.
The Turkish Commissioner is Namik Pasha, who has long been well known in Europe.
He speaks the French language fluently, and is free from tho religious prejudices of his coun
try. The Porto could hardly havo made a more judicious choice.
I have, &c.,
Constantinople ;
February 24th, 1843.
To Lieutenanl'-Colonel Farrant, <$•<;., §c.
Presuming as well from your letter as from the last despatches addressed to me by
Lieutenant-Colonel Sheil, that you will probably proceed to Erzeroom as soon as the Persian
Plenipotentiary is sufficiently recovered to resume his jourooy, I write to you at that place.
After what has recently happened at Kerbela, tho temporury presence of an English
officer at Baghdad may ho of essential service, in ohecking any further operations contemplated
by Ncgib Pasha, or at all events in affording to the Persian Court a proof of Her Majesty’s
anxiety to protect its interests, when unfairly or unseasonably assailed and of our readiness to
concur in obtaining a just satisfaction for any unwarranted injury inflicted upou them. Your
oonnection with the British Legation in Persia, and your long established oriental experience :
would 6ceni to mako you out us peculiarly qualified for such a service, tho due porformaoce of
which would greatly conduoc in my opinion to the succo>s of tho pending negotiations. It
was oxprcssly with a view' to that object that in pursuance of instructions from England, Lieu-
lenaut-Colonel Sheil decided on placing your services at tho disj»ojal of this Embassy and
tinder his sanction, thus implied, I do nut hesitato to request that you will charge yourself
with the execution of the proposed duty.
The amount of my information as to the lato proceedings and future intentions of the
Pasha of Bagdad, is, that ho attacked and took Kcrboln by assault, that the sacred buildings
so groatly venerated by tho Persians were injured by his soldiers; Hint a massuern of the inha i
bitants, including many Persians, some of Royal birth, took plnco, and that measures wero in !
operation to carry also by force the other Holy Places in that neighbourhood, and by intrigues
with the imporlaut tribe of Chnab and its Chief to facilitate the recovery of Muham'era.
• Printed from coj»j obtained from tho For.-iiju OiKce, Loudon, uud »cul to Simla by the ludin Otflco,