Page 374 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 374
"What liitlo conversation I have had with tho Russian Envoy. on this subject induces me
to think that Colonel Fnrrnnl's report has mado tho same impression on both of us. On tho
wholo wo inolined to (ho opinion that without requiring tho punishment or disgraeo of Negib
Pasha wo may adviso his removal to another Government, on tho grounds of expediency anu
conciliation; and that if Sadullah Pasha, who commanded tho besieging army who sanctioned
tho pillngc of the town, and who did not interforo for more than two hours to stop tho
massacre, wero brought before a Court Martial, or tried by the Supremo Council, we should
obtain as much as circumstances permit for tho satisfaction of the Court of Persia.
The whole question is full of ombarrassmont, and I look with anxiety to tho next advices
from Colonol Shiel.
I havo &c.,
May 16th, 1S43.
To Ilis Excellency the Right Honourable Sir Stratford Canning $*c., fyc., fyc.
No. 9.
I have tho honour to report to Your Excellency that Ilis Excellency Negib Pasha Bent
yesterday to inform me that ho had just received letters from Ahmed Pasha and Suleimanieh
stating that Mahomed Beg of the tribes of Jnf (They are under the Pasha of Suleimanieh)
notwithstanding all the outers he has given to the Tribet on tho frontior to keep quiet, had
dared to proceed over the frontior, and plundered some tribes there. Ahmed Pasha on hearing
this instantly despatched troops to seize Mahomed Peg and to secure the plunder.
His Excellency the Pasha was extremely angry on receiving this news, and instantly
wrote off to Suleimanieh tho most peremptory orders to seizo Mahomed Beg and sond him to
Bagdad, nnd that tho Pasha must see the plundered propci ty restored to its rightful owners.
I shall address a letter to the Pasha of Sulcimauicli, and also one to the AVali of Senna,
telling them how necessary it is to keep their Kurds in order and I have agreed with the
Persian Consul to send a confidential servant of his with theso letters immediately to
Suleimanieh, and to see that Abmod Pasha restores the plundered property to its owners.
I shall without delay despatch a foot messenger to Colonel Shiel informing him of tho
true version of lbi6 affair iu case exaggerated reports should reach Ilis Majesty the Shah.
I have &c.,
(Sd.) F. FARRANT, Lieutenant-Colonel.
May 16th, 1843.
* To Bii Excellency the Right Honourable Sir Stratford Canning, G.C.B., fyc., $-c., 8fc,
Your Excellency may have loarocd that the town of Kerbclla had for many years nearly
thrown off the’authority of the Sultan, which had become invested in tho hands of a lawless
set of people called Yaramas (vagabonds) who aided by the influential people of the placo and
by the Priests, did all in their power to keep up this opposition to the Government, and to
excite as much as possible their hatred to tho “ Soonics." Two or threo Governors who bad
been placed there by former Pashas of Bagdad, bad boon murdered by the inhabitants.
Dauud Pasha sent a large force to reduce the place to obedience, and after a Biege of cleveu
months was obliged to withdraw it, and contented himself with receiving annually a certain
sum of money. Ali Pasha who succeeded him wishes to perform a pilgrimage to the shrines
of tho Saints, but the people of Kerbclla refused to allow him to enter the town and without
attempting to reduce them to obedience contented himself with receiving money, and appnnt<
ed Seid "VVahah, a man of good family, who was closely connected with the Yurumas, Govornor
and relinquished himself all control over the town.
The peculiar punctuation aud airaugcuacnt of icntcuccj in tliii report or ratber copy of it, bare bocn rolaiucd.