Page 385 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 385

              Colonel Taylor-Has afforded'me qvory information in'-his pbwerj and I  am nUich indebted
          to him for the kind assistanco ho has given mo.
             • Tholntost accounts from Kcrbclla state tho tbwn to bo perfectlyquietJand ‘its population
          daily increasing. Colonel Taylor has forwarded to Your Excellency translations of letters
          regarding that place. I have the honour to inclose a translation of a letter scaled, by Hi 8
          Excolloncy Negib 'Pasha whicliwasgivon to n.o by'one "of the Persian' Hrincta Ibidlim Wurdeo
                                                         I havoi'eto.,
                                              (Sd:) •FrVtiRICkmf'Btitob'n'afii-CoUn'el.

                            ■To the Earl of Aberdeen, K.T, etc., etc., etc.
                                                            September 17tb, 1843,
           No. 200.
           My Lord,
              I am happy to inform Your Lordship that the afFair of Kerbala, in so far as this Govern­
           ment is concerned, is dually, and I trust it may be said, satisfactorily concluded.
              In explanation of the terms of the arrangement, as well as of the considerations which
           have prevailed with Monsieur do Titou and myself to accept them, I submit to Your Lordship
           copies of my correspondence with Licutohaut-Colonel Shiel and tho Commissioners at Erzcroom,
           together with the Dragoman's reports, and also translations of tho letters nddressed to Hadjee
           Meerza Aghasscc by the Grand Vizier aud to the Dragoman of the Porte by Rifaat Pasha.
                                                             I have, etc.,

                                                   (Sd.) STRATFORD CANNING.

                                                               Buyukdery ;
                                                              September 8th, 1843.
                             To Lieutenant-Colonel Shiel, etc., etc., etc.

           Sir, *

           catastrophe of Korbelu ; but tho papers in question arc still with the

           Russian Envoy in accepts and transmitting to Persia as a definitive settlement of the nhol.
              I trust that our view of this vexatious matter will be adopted byar^,t^undcr

           Negib Pasha to another Government, but a, we did cot feel ourselves wairantcd in esting
           that proposal upon other grounds than those of the Porte s own mie ■ ,  "   , .  ,  £
           the pending negotiation, we could not with propriety or consistency make it the object of a
           peremptory demand.
              The terms, to which wo have finally consented, are these :
              1.  That tho Porto-shall address a letter to tho Prime Miniator of Persia and communicate
           a copy of it to the representatives of tho mediating powers.
              2.  That a suitablo Bum of money shall bo applied by Ilis Ilighooss tho Sultan to
           reliof of tho sufferers at Kcrbcla.
              3.  That the Porte shall expressly declare her disapproval of thoJa 1 °  ^qre° c sp o ciaH
           Korbela, her regrot at tho occurrence, a< unauthorized aud unroaso a , * f   >
           her sorrow for the effusion of blood which ensued.
              4.  That Negib Pnsha shall ho ordered to repair tho shrinos at Kcrbela,  to administer his
           province with equity, to protect the Pefsiau subjects thorb, au p   )   °  from
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