Page 386 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 386

                        Persia, and, finally, to undertake nothing that can bring upon him the displcasuro of tho
                           6. That Nogib Pasha shall be threatened with dismissal in caso of any future miscon­
                        duct ; and
                           0. That all these points shall he announced to us in writing by means of an Instruction
                        addressed by ltifaat Pasha to tho Dragoman of tho Porte, and deposited in copy with us.
                           I shall avail myself of tho earliest opportunity to forward to Teheran both tho Grand
                        Vizior's letter and the lasi-mcntioued documont; and Monsieur do Titou, who writes to Count
                        Modem in the sense of this despatch, uuilcs with mo in relying upon your joint exertions for
                        tho complcto acceptance of this arrange wont by the Court of Persia.
                                                                      I have, otc.,
                                                              (Sd.) STRATFORD CANNING.

                                       0. C. Prou, Sink.—Ko. SG4G V. D.-30-1-00.-30.-J. D.

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