Page 63 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 63
Chapter II. 41
Maltors seem to havo beon brought to a head by tho arrival of the Germany Railway
Commission. Mobsin informed a person, on whose statement I can roly, that while they were
hero ho received an important telegram from Constantinople, and that his answer resulted in
Hamdi's dismissal. X havo been unable to learn tho purport of theso communications.
No othor reason oxists, so far as I can learn, Hamdi's downfall. He is that rara avit, an
honost Turkish official, and though notin any way brilliant has administered his Vilayat well
enough. Ilis hot temper and arbitrary disposition however rondcred him generally unpopular,
and his subordinates disliked him for endeavouring to check peculation and corruption.
Mobsin is excessively elated at his promotion. At present he appears to be under the
influence of Seyid Ahmed, brother of tho Nakib and tho clever member of tho family. My
porsonal relations with tho new Wall aro very friendly, but I do not consider him at all
112. Tho following memorandum by Mr. Block,, dated 25th January 1900,
contains some interesting details respecting, tho character and antecedents of
Mobsin Pasha
'* It is said that Mohsin Pasha is a distinguished mathematician, goographist and topogra-
B.Uro.l B, April im No. 7S. ’8 “id }° ^ his
v ' grades step by stop by his own merits and not by
favour.. He appears to bo little known at Constantinople whore bo has no protectors. He is an
energetic soldier and upright official as far as I have been able to learn. Ho has acted as Head
of the Staff in tho 7th Division of the Army and withdrew from his post in consequence of a
misunderstanding with the Wall and Mushir H. E Ahmed Forzi Pasha whose system of
administration in the Yemen he disapproved of.
Thereupon Mohsin Pasha at his own request was transferred to the 5th Army Corps
(Baghdad) with rank of General of Division.
Subsequently the Imperial Government commissioned him to go to Basrah in order to
investigate the complaints to which the conduct of the ex-Walis Arif Pasha and Emni Pasha
had given rise. On this occasion, after carrying out the mission entrusted to him, he acted
for a very short time as temporaiy Wali of Basrah.
jj ®e*ore k'8 appointment as Wali, Mohsin Pasha held the post of Military Commandant at