Page 64 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 64
42 Part I.
Arab Tribes and Tribal Feuds in Turkish Arabia.
(i) Tho Arab tribo9 of Turkish Arabia.
113. Tho internal history of Turkish Arabia to a great extent consists of tho
feud9 and discussions of tho numerous Arab tribes among themselves and with
the Turkish local authorities. A list of tho principal tribes, that play an
important part in tho political history of the country, is given below
Narno of tho tribo. Location.
Kaab Ml • •• On the Delta of tho Karun and Euphrates mostly within
Persian territory.
Monte 6 k • •• Between Samawa and Busrah.
Albu-Muhomed • •• The marshes north of Kurna and the banks of the Tigris
as far as the II ud stream.
Beni-Laam Ml East of the Tigris from Kutel-Amara to the Hud river
and the Mesopotamian sido of the Tigris south-eastward
of the Hyo.
Zobeida Between Tigris and Euphrates north of the Hai, as far as
the Saklawiyeh canal to the west-north-west of Baghdad.
Shammar Togeh or Tank and The plains east of tho Tigris and south of Biyaloh as far
Deffafeh. southwards as Kut-cl-Amara.
Shammar Jerbah ... Ml A nomadio tribe spread over northern Mesopotamia from
south of tho Sinjar and Khebur to tho Saklawieh, west of
Baghdad, even to tho Hai river.
Dalaim On tho east bank of the Euphrates from west of Baghdad
to the north as far as Hit.
Anaiza • M From Aleppo in the north to Jabal Shammar in tho south
west of the Euphrates.
Khazail Inhabiting tho marshes of Lamlun on tho Euphrates.
114. A history of the Kaab tribo is given in Sir H. Rawlinson’s memoran
dum, 18-14 (Appendix A) and in paragraphs 25-78 above. Their recent history
pertains to Persian-Arabistan, for which reference must be made to tho Precis
of Persian- Arabistan affairs.
115. The Monlefik tribe has been figuring very prominently among the
Arab tribes in the political history of the southern part of Turkish Arabia.
Tho principal family is descended from Maneh, ono of the Sherifs of Mekkha, who
fled to the Euphrates to escape the consequence of a feud and rose to proim-
nence among the tribes at tho confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris,