Page 2 - History of St.Arethas_Neat
P. 2

Apostolic Vicariate                                  f X ® ©

                               HISTORY OF ST. ARETHAS AND
        NEWS Ki Mi l )IA       COMPANIONS

        Pnp01 rartcis tn UAf
        I’linto Album*.
                               short history
                               SI Aielhar. and Companion;; won' Atab Chiinliani: horn the ancient oily of Najian in
        Ih jrnan I'mtcintiy
                               ancient Yenton (in piesentday Saudi Ambia) who wete victim;; of a multifaceted
         Extraordinary Jubilee of St Arclh,  conflict Ix-lwcen the ancient I'lnqdom:; of I limyat (in Yemen) and Axinn (in I Ihtopia) 11 icy
                               weie mailynxl in Ihoyixii 'b'-’d Al) Ilarjiixjiaphir: lilemluie pnr.enlly available in Syriac,
          History of St. Arethas and Co
                               Gieol' and olbei lanqtiatjc:: indicalo a lai(|e numboi ol Aiab Chusliair; horn Najian wen*
           I Dooi &iixiuky.'r>'>?  qeveidy |.toisocul<xl and eventually sentenced Io a honible death foi tlieii lailh in the
                               Ciih iIhxI Chiisl
           Make a pilgrimage
         Catholic Chutch Jubil-x? 2'1?5 A V
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