Page 3 - History of St.Arethas_Neat
P. 3

According to tradition, Alllaiilh but Ka’h (in Gin'k An'lhas) was lxnn around 12/AI), in
                                    Najian II is believed lhal ho |il.iy<xl .1 prominent pad in N.i| jxililir al hie, pel haps as a
                                    goveinoi 01 • ay'/id until hi", mailyidenial a npo old age
                                    I lisloiians h'li<*v<‘ lhal alloi a < oup in Iho kingdom of I limyai, lhe new king irbelled against
                                    In", oveiloids. Iho nileis ol Axnm He undeil<x>k a systematic |x*is<'eutinn ol inns!
                                    Christians in South Arabia who were identified with llw opposing power Chinches weie
                                    bumrxl, .Hid those1 who did not alxindon lheii Chiislian laith wem executed
                                    After his generals sulfeuxl minor dekxils al Najian, the king himself came to lake lhe city
                                    wilh his army. Available literature indicates lhal ho h soi led io a ruse, offering a promise of
                                    safely in exchange foi the peaceful surrender ol its inhabitants I lowever, this pledge was
                                    not upheld once the city was caphned Chinches, wilh lhe Ixxlres ol dead Chiistian leaders
                                    weie binned, and lhe Chiistian inhabilanls weie olleied lhe choice ol apislasy 01 death
                                    I lagiogiaphic liteialuie relates lhe Ixild witness ol many Chnslians in Iho lace of death,
                                    especially women.
                                    lhe accounts vary in lhe different gruesome forms of execution to which the martyrs are
                                    said to have been subjected. What is certain is lhal clergy, nuns and laypersons, from
                                    different social classes and of all ages were pul Io death One tradition, even alluded to in
                                    lhe Quran, claims that many were burned in a trench. A largo number were beheaded,
                                    including lhe leadei St. Arelas, who is said Io have lx?en between 80 to 95 years old.
                                    Children as young as 3 or 5 are said to have either chosen death or been forcibly separated
                                    from their parents Io be raised as non Christians, fhe number of those who were martyred
                                    is disputed, with estimates ranging from 300 persons to over -1000 persons
                                    The news of lhe massacre was published by lhe king of Himyar himself, who urged the
                                    neighbouring rulers to copy his own actions. Upon heanng of the account of this tragedy
                                    during a diplomatic conference wilh the Lakhmid king Mundhir III, lhe Syriac bishop Simon
                                    Beth Arsham wrote accounts of the massacre lhal wore circulated as far as Alexandria and
                                    Constantinople The martyrdom was gurckly commemorated in lhe liturgies ol many
                                    churches and monasteries
                                    Though biller theological disputes on lhe nature of Christ were dividing Christians in lhe
                                    Byzantine empire and beyond, veneration of lhe martyrs quickly became common across
                                    lhe known Chiistian wodd. irrespective of ones Chrislological belief 01 confession. loday,
                                    lhe martyrs ol Najian are commemorated in the Orthodox and l aslorn Catholic Chinches,
                                    who follow lhe Greek-Slavic, I Ihiopian and Syriac traditions. I hey arc also venerated in lhe
                                    western Latin Chinch’ on lhe ?-llh of Oclolxx, lhe Roman Mailyrology records lhe ’lhe
                                    passion in Najian in Aialna of SI. Arelhas, lhe leader of Um city, and 310 companions under
                                    Dhu Nuwas, lhe King of I limyai, in lhe lime of Lmp'roi Justin’.
                                    I lagiogiaphic liteialuie reports an impassioned exhortation, said Io have Ixjen made by St.
                                    Arelhas before his death, in which he proclaimed Ural "lo die for Christ is Io find life.’ I le is
                                    lhen said lo have prophesied lhal *as a vine pruned al lhe coned limo gives a good yield of
                                    fruit, God will multiply the Christian population fin (his cilyl. lhe chinch which has been
                                    burned down will be raised up.’, loday there exists a local pnish in lhe Apostolic Vicariate
                                    of Northern Arabia, which covers tlx? very city of lhe martyrdom of SI. Aiethas and his
                                    companions II was fittingly consecrated under their protection and erected in their Ixmioui
                                    in 2011 by the late Bisliop Camillo Ballin
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