Page 118 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 118

                     106                        Records of Bahrain
                                                            BRITISH RESIDENCY,
                  wv.iFIDKHTIAL.                                 BAHRAIN.
                    1011l|/3         i                       20til April, 1951.
                     No. 51.
                              Mr. Belgrave, the Advioer to the Ruler of Bahrain, and
                         his wife, Mrs. Belgrave, on the 31 at March last completed 25
                         years ocrvico in Balu'ain, They had celebrated their oilver
                  —y     wedding a few weeks previously. I enclose herewith a copy of
                         an article about them which hao appeared in tlie paper pub­
                         lished by the Balu'ain Petroleum Company. The article cives
                         an idea of tho immense debt owed by Bahrain to both the Bel-
                         graves. Visitors are unamimoua in rating its administration
                         as the best in the Middle East, and although Ilia Majesty's
                         Government and the old British Government of India are entitled

                         to some credit for tills, tho main achievement is Mr. Belgrave's.
                         He came here in 1926 some years after Shaikh Isa had been
                         deposed and his son Hamad appointed Regent. Major, now Sir
                         Clive, Daly, was Political Agent at the time and was the
                         virtual ruler of the island. He ruled;with a rod of iron
                         and laid tho foundations on which Mr. Belgravo has built.
                         When he departed his mantle fell on Mr. Belgrave who for so
                          long as Hamad was Regent or Ruler, that is, up till his death
                           in 19h2, conducted the administration with little or no
                          interference from him. Shaikh Salman, since his uccession
                          has taken a much more active part in the Government of the
                          State and Mr. Belgrave has performed the functions of a chief
                          Ministor rather than a ruler. Throughout the long tenure of

                          his office he has done hi3 best to l:oop ovory branch of the
                          administration in his own hands. He "bears like the Turk,
                          no brother near his throne", and has never been willing to
                          tolerate a deputy or an assistant. Ho' is still Commandant
  , '
                          of the State Police and doeply rosento' any suggestion that
                     IIis Majeoty'0 Principal Secretary of State : :
                                          for Foreign Affairs,
                                Foreign Office,
                                       London, 0. \Y. 1.
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