Page 120 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 120
108 Records of Bahrain
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than he is himself. 8 ho has suffered more from the climate
than he has, but is still very active. She has dono an
immense amount of v/orlc for female education in the islands,
but permits no interference by anyone else in this sphere
of activity.
3. The Bclgrave3 have a son called Jaiaos who is about 21
years of age. lie was educated for some time at the Ameri
can University at Beirut and subsequently joined the
Palestine Police. When that force ceased to exist he spent
some months in Bahrain whore he mixed a great deal with
the members of Arab clubs in Muharraq and at times displayed
a pro-Arab and anti-British attitude to the dismay of his
parents, lie is now studying at the London School of
Economics. I have always regarded him as being of moderate
intellect and ability, but Shaikh Salman thinks a great
deal of him and I havo a suspicion that he is being nursed
for the succession to his father. I am doubtful if v/e could
view ouch an outcome with equanimity, but it would be
premature to take any action to prevent it at this stage.
1|. I am sending a copy of this despatch to the British
Middle East Office.
I have the honour to be,
with the highest l'oupcct,
Your moot obedient Servant,
l ( Hay)
£7 ,7;VI|