Page 120 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 120

108                        Records of Bahrain

                                              - 3 -
                         than he is himself. 8 ho has suffered more from the climate
                         than he has, but is still very active. She has dono an
                         immense amount of v/orlc for female education in the islands,
                        but permits no interference by anyone else in this sphere
                         of activity.

                         3.   The Bclgrave3 have a son called Jaiaos who is about 21
                         years of age. lie was educated for some time at the Ameri­
                         can University at Beirut and subsequently joined the
                         Palestine Police. When that force ceased to exist he spent
                         some months in Bahrain whore he mixed a great deal with
                         the members of Arab clubs in Muharraq and at times displayed
                         a pro-Arab and anti-British attitude to the dismay of his
                         parents, lie is now studying at the London School of
                         Economics. I have always regarded him as being of moderate
                         intellect and ability, but Shaikh Salman thinks a great
                         deal of him and I havo a suspicion that he is being nursed
                         for the succession to his father. I am doubtful if v/e could
                         view ouch an outcome with equanimity, but it would be
                         premature to take any action to prevent it at this stage.

                         1|.  I am sending a copy of this despatch to the British
                         Middle East Office.
                                                           I have the honour to be,
                                                         with the highest l'oupcct,
                                                         Your moot obedient Servant,

   l                                                              ( Hay)

                                                                    £7 ,7;VI|
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