Page 17 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 17
Accession of Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifah, 1942 5
II 0 T I C K
No. 5/1561.
The public ure horoby informed of the following
proclamation ioouod by Hin Illghnosu Shaikh
oulraan bin Homed Alkhalifah
"I, Sulmun bin lianod Alkhalifah, have
taken ovor tho rulo of Bahrain according
to what wus committed to mo by my lato
1'uthur and unanimously agrood by my unolos
ur.d ray brothoro and all ray tribo in obedience
to and conforming, to 'Ac obligation which
huu boon irapouod on mu/ According to my
late futhor’o bohost and statement, l*/ith
tho help of God, I shall ndhoro to my
ro&igion, vigilant in bettering tho conditiona
of my tribo and my country, proceeding with
Juutico and equity and continuing to ytrog-
ta tho provod ties with the British
Empire and nlwayn maintaining itn friend
ship. I aak Gcd for guidance and for
dirootion and for Mia help, for Ho io tho
lieuror and tho Hostower.
Salmon bin Homed Alkhalifah,
Rulor of Bahrain.
Dated, 5th Safar, 1561.
Fobruury 22, 1942."
Lo-t this bo known.
Sd/ C. Dulryraplo Uelgrave
Advisor to tho Government.
Datod, 5th Safar, 1561.
Fobruary 22, 1942.