Page 22 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 22
10 Records oj Bahrain
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3» On the 17th February I left Bahrain by air for
a week’s tour of the Truolal-Coast. On the afternoon of
February 19th, on my return to Sharjah from Abu Dhabi, I
found awaiting as a telegram from Mr.Jaokson, Assistant
Political Agent, Bahrain, Informing me that Shaikh Hamad
had had a stroke on February 17th and had not, by the
afternoon of February 18th (when the telegram was des
patched) , recovered consciousness. By the courtesy of
Squadron Leader Hawaii, Offioer Commanding, R.A.F. 8tation,
Sharjah, I was enabled to return to Bahrain on the morning
of February 20th In a service aeroplane) and I actually
arrived at Bahrain about a quarter of an hour after Hie
Highness Shaikh Hamad had died.
4. It appears that after the ooremonlal parade on
the afternoon of February 16th His Highness Shaikh Hamad had jr:
driven out to his country house at Rumaith/.. At 8.30 p.m.
on the following day, February 17th, he had a stroke while
he was saying his prayers, hnd fell on his Side, unconscious.
Hear relatives and dootors were at once summoned. Dr.Snow
(State Medical Officer), Dr. Holmes (Residency Surgeon)
and Dr. Harrison (Amerlcaq Mission) attended the Shaikh and
one of them was always with him untiA, without having re
covered consciousness, he eventually died at about 12.15 p.m.
on Friday, February 20th. At the time of hie death only
Dr. Holmes and one or two servants were present, Members
of the family had left the house a little earlier to take
tholr mid-day meal, The funeral was held the same after-
noon, the burlap taking plaoe at the cemetery at Rafa9 •
Shaikh Hamad’s age at the time of his death Is not known
exactly. It Is believed, however, that he was In hla
seventieth year. Those who sent telegrams of condolence
included the Kings of Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Her
Royal Highness Prlnoess Alice and the Bari of Athlone,
His Majesty’s Government and His Exoellency the Viceroy.
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