Page 26 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 26
14 Records oj Bahrain
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confirmed this and added that nowhere in Bahrain, eithor
among the Khalifah family or among the populaoe, was there
a single dissentient voice, Shaikh Salman then informed
me that he had set before himself three main objectives.
Thooo were i-
(1) Loyally tp preserve tho existing tios of friendship
with the British Government;
(2) To respeot the rights both of members of his family
and of his individual subjects; and
(3) To promote the public welfare by all means in hie
He expressed his determination to be loyal to the British
connection and to implement all undertakings given by the
previous Eulers of Bahrain; and ho spontaneously offerod to
be guided by any advice which the Political Agent might ten-
der to him. In reply I expressed pleasure at hearing hie
declaration of friendship and loyalty; and I promised that,
for my part, I would always deal with him frankly and openly
so that nothing would bo hidden between us and there could
never be any misunderstandingi and I further told him that
I would report at once to the Honourable the Resident in the
Persian Gulf the sentiments that he had expressed to me and
the fact that his succession had the unanimous support of his
family and people. Beforo taking his leave Shaikh Salman
told me in detail of his father's last hours, and praised
the devotion of the doctors who attended him. He also ox-
pressed his gratitude for tho help which Mr.Belgrave had given
to hlo father in the past and was now giving to him.
K>. In the afternoon of February 22nd Shaikh Salman
Issued a proclamation announcing that he had "taken over the
rule of Bahra in accordance v/ith the wish and behest of
fas' / Shaikh