Page 31 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 31
Accession of Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifah, 1942 19
flOlfflMHTlAh. Mo .C/368 Of 1942.
Off loo of tht Political Resident
in the Persian Gulf ,
Camp, Bahrain.
Dated the 11th April, 19 42.
Prom - The Uon*blo Licut.-Colonol W.R.Hay, C.I.E.,
Political Reoidunt in the Persian Gull-,
To The Secretary to the hovernmenl of India,
External AfTaira Department,
Mew Delhi•
With referenoo to oy telegram Ko.T/219, dated the 7th April
1942, I haTe the honour to state that Ills Lxoellenoy the Viceroy**
Kharlta wae prssented to His Highness Shaikh Salman at a durbar
which took plaoe at t> p.m. on the 6th April.
2. Hie durbar vas held on tho steps of the Gudhably&h Palaoe.
The main participants were seated on a dais and thooc who had been
invited to attend numbering between 200 and 300 persona sat in rove
faolng them, in addition thero s a largo throng of spectators
from the general public. A oool northerly breeze was blowing and
the whole plaoe was deoorated with fluttering red Bahrain flags
of rarylng eiaes.
3. After ooffeo had been served by negro servants in flowing
red and yellow roboe I delivered a opeecL in English vhloh was
translated into Arabio. 1 then handed His Exoollency the Vloeroy*s
Kharita to Shaikh Hainan who passed it on to his uncle, Shaikh
toihamoad. Shaikh huh am trad read out a translation of the Kharlta
and tho bhaikh'a reply to my speech.
4. Several points in the Shaikh1 s spec oh were greeted with
applause, amongst others the referenoo to the proposal to etat ion
British troops in Bahrain, it is possible that somo of this
applause may have been nrrangod beforehand. then the speeches
oarns to an end lnoenss end rooe wo ter were passed. Ha* if os
Sha1 alan, a leading Shaikh of the Analsa who happonod to be on
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