Page 311 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 311

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948              299

                             I E | *' (j ' * i|ritlsh Embassy,
        ) Jo. 17                                  Tehran.
        ((}. /1V7G/4U)       i
                             f  28 JAN I948j{  '1st January, 1940.
        Oir,                                              , £•
             I have the bondin' to report that uincc   despatched to you
        my telegrams Wo. 20 oi' January Gth and Wo. 20 of January 7t.h
        there has been a marked increase in publicity about Persia's
        claim to sovereignty over uahrein.
        2.   Articles on thin subject are now appourinu frequently in
        newspapers oi' all shades ol* opinion uml the official oi’nun oi’
        Qavum al Sal tuned's Democrat Warty lias mudo the Uahrein question
        one oi the main planks in the political platform ol the party.
        A View feature in this u^itutiou is the emergence of u ao-cullecl
        Uahrein /rational Warty which cluims to represent the real wishes
        of tin: Uuhrcin people.  According to the press, the leader of
        this Party, Abdulluh Ziruh, has recently come to Tehran and has
        been assuring Members of the Majlis of the keen desire of the
        inhabitants of Uahrein to be reunited to Persia,    He is ulso
        uri'inj the adoption o,/ the Cabinet of certain measures designed to
        help Uuhreiuia to realise their aspirations,    These include the
        opening of more Persian schools in Uahrein, the appointment of
        special officials to khorrumshuhr to maintain contuct with loyul
        Persians in Uahrein, the institution of a special programme to be
        broadcast to iiatircin from Tehran, and the admission of a Member
        for Uahrein into the Persian ilajlis.
        S.   Several references to uahrein have been made in the Majlis
        during the current Debate on the provisional budget for the last
        quarter.of the current year, but the replica uiven from the
        Governmen IviYavo been evasive and non-oommital. Up to the
        present, therefore, there has been no indication of what action,
        if any, Hukinii's Cabinet propose to take in this regard,    1 fear
        however that there are Loo many people interested in keeping
        Uahrein continually under discussion for it to be reasonable to
        hope that then agitation will die a nuburial death.
        4.   I urn sondinn copies of this despatch to Mis Majesty's
        Ambassadors at Washiui* ton, Moscow and u^dud and to the Hritlsh
        Middle East Office, Cairo.

                 I have the honour to be with the highest respect,
                        Your moat obedient luimble servant,

        The lii|rh t Honourable Ernes t Hcvin, M. P.,
           His l.lajeuty'o Principal Secretary of State for Foreijn Affairs,
              Foreign Office,
                 London, S.V/.l.
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