Page 315 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 315

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948             303
                                               m 254G
                          U A II R K I N    •</j
                                                  uC 1948
              Tho Archipelago of Bahrein forma un independent Arab

          Sheikhdom under 13riti ah protection,   Ito proaent population
          of 120,000 i3 Arab lurgely Uttabi and Huwala.   The springs of
          freeh water on the main island made Bahrein the natural centre
          of the gulf pearling trude which is now, us in the past, in the
          hands of Indian-merchants who with Persians und Jews control
          moat of the Sheikhdom'a trade,   Its present economic importance
          results from tho discovery of oil on tlie iuland and tho
          Bahrein Oil Company, u company roglsterod in Canada, as part
          of tho "political agreement" by which His Majesty's Government's
          permission wus required before tho concossion was grantod, has a
          refinery in which the local crudo qb well as purt of that
          produced in the Dhah*an\[\Leld of the Arab!an-Americon Oil Company
          i3 processed.   His Majesty's Government is represented in
          Buhroin by a Polilicul Agent and tho Headquarters of the
          Political Resident in the Persian Gulf has lately been moved
          there from Bushlre.   There is a small naval buse for tho
          Peril an Gulf Squadron^ and the island has considerable
          strategic importance both as a possible Aiture base and as a
          vital link in British air communicat ions with the Par Past.
          Responsibility for tho Sheikhdoms of tho Gulf will be taken
          over by the Foreign Office from the 1st of April tills year
          and Sir A Noble and Mr. Caccia are now on a tour of inspection
               Tho evidenco available on the hiotory of Bahrein in early
          times goes to show that Bahrein was governed by independent

          chiofo^except for a period of Porsiun domination in tho oarly
          part of the Christian ora and botween A.U. GIB - 7215,10 which
          year the islands wore conquered by tho Caliphs who ruled there
          until tlie 11th century.
               In tho Middle Agee the Arab rulors of Ilormuz invaded Bahroi:
          and wore in power until dofoated by *tho Portugese in 1S66

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