Page 319 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 319
Persian claim to Bahrain, 1940 307
oogy§» ~i ai. Volltloal Agenoy, Ifehraln.
Dated the 4th April, 15>^#
Ho, 0/N3
Vrow. O.J. fillyf Ke«l., O.U.H.,
Political Ag*nt, Ualisain,
ToJ 0,0. itolgrave, O.b.R.,
Adviser to the Gc/vorrunent
of Bahrain, Bahrain,
I havo the honour to refer to your letter No.666-15
dated the 27Ui January, 1%0, end to cay that in order to
give ofi'oot to hie lUghnoae* proposal*, the Bahrain
\icvti nuent should fclato on op;.liuutioua for 0*?rttl ioetca
of identity ahluh ure rui'erred to It by this Agenoy when
it does not wlah e •Jertl« Junta of Identity endorsed for
the return Journty to tahroift.
2. It ie «u^ei*to.i thot the Ueluain Govur muont ehould
avoid giving any publicity to the policy it propneea to
puraue, ami that it have »<>»«« inuoououo reply
ready for . oralone who tuKjuUe why they ere not pmudttod
to rotuin to Dubinin,
I have thu honour to be,
Your r.o»t obedient ecuvont,
J.J. .«u;i
Political Agent, Bahrein,