Page 317 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 317

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948             305

                  Tho re lu ono utending throut to the quiet ol’ the
          Peru Ion Oulf unci thot iu tho exiutonco of a Poruian claim to

          Dutiroin which from 1020 to 1984 v/ao frequently auuertod and
           au frequently rejected by Hie Itajouty'u Government, who have
           alwayu conuidorod it no baoolcuu.   Thio viov/ lu buued on a
           utudy of the Poruian cuue by the Lav/ Officeru of tho Crown
           v/ho were aukecl for their lcgul opinion in 1934 when it wuu
           thought that the Peruianu might tuko their clulm to the

           League of Natlonu.
                   During the poriod 1934 - 47 tho Poruian claim to

           Bahrein wau not ugain preuued although tho Peruianu continued
           to rcfuuo entry into their co\mtry to poruonu whoue pauuportu
           had Bahrein viuuu.   On tho lut December luut, in an
           endeavour to utrengthen hio pouition in the Mujliu ond in
           un ill-timed attempt to placate tho Kuuuianu at our expenuo,
           Ouvam, who wuu then Prime Miniutcr, made two upeechou to give
           the impreuulon that "ncgotiatlonu" with Hio Hujeuty'u
           Government over the Poruian claim to Bahrein Y/cro taking

           place.   V/o inutructed our Ambauundor to make* un inuiediate
           protect but au Quvum'u Government fell almout inunediately
           after theue upoecheu it wau agreed to reuervo our
           ropreuentationo until the attitude of the new Government
           undor M• Hakiini wau known.  In the meantime the Ota to
           Department, who had accepted our upccial pouition in the Gulf,
           inutructed the U.g. Ambauuador in Tehran to diucouruge the
           Poruiunu from roiuing the quoution of Bahrein;   inutruetionu
           which ho hau carried out.   On 29th January our Ambauuador
           uaw M• llakimi to protect ugainut the prominence given to
           Buhrein by certain loft-wing doputiou and the Ruuuian-
           uponuored "Tudoh" nowupaperu•   Tho Prime Miniuter agrood

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