Page 320 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 320

308                      Records of Bahrain

                                                                                     British Embassy,
                                  GJ.7A3AO                                                 Tohran.
                                                                                      19th May, 1948.

                                          Door Consulate-General, Consulate, Vioo-Consulato,

                                               Wo onoloso copies of letters exchanged by the Adviser
                                           to the Bahrain Government and the Political Agent, Bahrain,

                                           about the Shdkh'o desire to restrict movements of Persians
                                           into Bahrain, and the measures suggested to him to this end

                                           by the Politiool Agent,
                                                You should therefore refor all applications received

                                           from Poroians to enter Balirain to the Political Agent
                                           provided, of course, that the applicant is not already in

                                           possession of a re-entry permit issued by the Persian
                                           Government subsequent to the 27th January,

                                                No publicity ehould bo given to this new policy.
                                                                    Yours ever,


                                            H.M. Conoulato-General, Ahwoz.
                                            II.M. Consulate, Khorromshahr.
                                            H.M. V^oo-ConBulate, Buahire.
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