Page 318 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 318

306                       Records oj Bahrain

                                      that no uueful object could bo uorvod In reopening thiu
                                      old queotion und we hove docldod to own it tho rouult of

                                      the Prinio Miniutcr'o endeavour to damp dov/n agitution.
                                            The Stute Department's Idea of invoking the
                                     aid of Ibn Gaud does not appeal to uo.  While the Arab
                                     States would certainly not like to see liuhrein pass
                                        Persian control, they might, if they started to take an
                                      interunt in Persian Gulf affairs, start trying to get us out.
                                      Ibn Saud in particular has territorial cluimo against several
                                      of the Sheikhs and if our protection were removed from the
                                      latter     would very probubly try to grab their territories.
                                           Wo are asking the Law Officers to review   the       P
                                      in case it should be necossary for the question to bo referred
                                      to the International Court.

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