Page 321 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 321

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948              309

         Oopy of latter No*666-13 datod the 27th January, 1%8, from

         tho Adviser to the Bahrain Government, to the Political
         Agent, Bahrain*

              X have the honour to inform you that Ilia Ilighneas views

         with grave ocnoorn the lnoreaao in the number of feraiana who
         are/ now residing in Bahrain*  In view of the present condition

         he considera thr.t any inoroauo in the Persian minority in
         Bahrain uuy have aorii ua conaequeueon in future*   It is hia

         wish to reduce the number of Persian* who ore now living in
         Bahrain and ho thereforo suggests that in Arturo no pnrmiaaion

         should bo granted to ieraianu resident hero to visit Pernio
         unions thoy uru returning to their own country in order to
          otay there*  hi u il^ghueoo thinks that if eraianu are not

          allowed to go and ai.u.o freely be tween Bahrein and ferula many
          of them may prefer to go to Persia rather Hum to continue

          living here.

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