Page 376 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 376

                              364                       Records of Bahrain


                              8.      During the rest of the day the police patrolled the
                              town and guards were put on all Jewish houses in the bazaar
                              area. A proclamation was issued forbidding more than five
                              people to assemble together and a curfew was imposed from
                              sunset, Both these measures were effectively adhered to.
                              During Thursday afternoon and on Friday quantities of stolen
                              property was recovered from Houses in Manamah and from the
                              outskirts of the town. In many cases the people in possession
                              of the property we re women. On Saturday His Highness issued
                              a proclamation forbidding all unauthorised demonstrations.

                              9.      The responsibility for the riot is being ascribed
                               locally to Egyptian schoolmasters, the rough Persian element
                               in the town, and the organisers of the demons ration. In
                              this case no responsibility can be attached to the Egyptians
                              who did what they could to prevent their boys going out and
                              who in some cases apparently tried to help some of the Jews
                              during the trouble. The majority and the most active of the
                              looters were undoubtedly Persians, many of them were Tanga-
                              seeris who are notorious thieves and tough men as well,
                              The organisers of the demonstration certainly did not con­
                              template a riot with loss of life and damage to people and
                               property when they planned their demonstrations. If they
                               had not led the procession to the Jewish synagogue it is
                               possible that the disorder would not have occurred. In my
                               opinion and the opinion of many reputable Arabs the blame
                               for this incident lies on the group of young Holi Arabs from
                               Muharraq who took it upon themselves to organise the demon­
                                      Nationalities of persons arrested other than Bahrain

                                      Persinas 25             Saudi Arabs 10
                                      Omanis 8                Bal uch        2
                                      Iraqi 2                 Indian Moslem 1
                                                    Qattari 1                    49.

                                      Notes on persons chiefly concerned in organising denion-
  :                            strations:-

                               from a Visit to Cairo where hpeS’ He has rece"tly returned
                               Chirawi, an ex-schoolmaster. " accompanied by Mohomed Jasim



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