Page 44 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 44

32                         Records of Bahrain


                         The total number of Bahrain boa to registered by the Cuatoma
                         Department was 303.  3 new launches wore built during the year.
                         Two sailing craft bound for A1 Khobar sunk off the port of
                         Manama)) owing to a very strong 1 Diurnal' In February. The orew
                         wore saved but the cargo was lost. In Gepto»..bor a local 'boom'
                         oaught fire while the engine was on trial In Uananah harbour.
                         The engine was totally deotroyed. During tho yqur two new
                         ware-houses were completed with n storage capacity of about
                         3000 tons each dead weight capacity, A new railway crone was
                         erected with a lifting capacity of up to 18i tons.
                         16, yOOl) COHTHOL.
                                During the yeur the flteto spout over rupees sixty lacs
                         on buying essential foodstuffs for rosalo to tho puhlla. The
                         outbreak of hostilities In Korea caused a acure of further
                         world hostilities amongst the narchunts and the result was
                         that tlioro wus an outbreak of hurried buying end selling of
                         commodities u view to hoarding and profiteering. Prices
                         reuched alarming heights heforo the Government took action,
                         first by reducing the margin of profit allowed on cereals, and
                          secondly by requesting importers to bring into the town 66ji of
                          'in transit1 cargo. During the first few days of the Arablo
                         month of Itamadhan, the month during which more moat la consumed
                          than in cny oilier month of the year, local butchers raised ttys
                          prloe of meat to u height beyond tho means of Uie working *
                          classes. The Government called a luuoting of the butchers
                          and warned them that drastic action would bo taken against them
                          If they refused to reduce retail prleoB. This action coupled
                          with perhaps the largest recorded Import of livestock during
                          one mouth brought prices of moat dpuu to tho lowest level for
                          the year. The Government, against u certain amount of op­
                          position by growers, decided to allow the Import of deles Into
                          Bahrain free of ell Customs charges. The Government alpo
                          decided to give to importers barter sugar at a rate of Hs.40/-
                          per bug at a scale of 10 bags for every 1000 buckets of dates
                          imported. Tills option together w) ll< reports of excellent, crops
                          hot)) locally end in Ireq kept the piles of dutuo at u level
                          lower than the previous yeur. The iszuar wi.a well stocked
                          throughout the yur with ull types o.S co..uni»i.r gooda.
                          17. B)i)iv■IMt.
                                 (1) Imports and Kxoorta.

                                 A total of 376 freighters and 670 tankers culled at Bahrain
                          during 1960.   There were 867 British, 232 Piitiai;iunloi« and 136
                          American vessels.   Imports of general cargo were 320,786 tons
                          and exports of general cargo 133,134 tons,   hxy.orts of petroleum
                          products were 6,026,479 tons and 68,887 drums.
                                (11) Pan-Islanlo 6 teams)) In Co.nnonv.
                                 A Ur. A,A. Ahmad, describing himself os the oeuretury of
                          the Paii-lslamic Meewshlp Company of Karachi, visited Bahrain
                          in Jur.o, llo called a meeting of prominent Muslim merchants ana
                          offered for sale several lukhs of liu,100 shares on belief f ol
                          his Company, aft<r describing the alms and objects of his
                          Company. Many of the Aruba promised to purchase shares.
                               (Ill) Oclndla HtapiB Navi sation Company.
                                 florae representatives of-flclndla fltei m Navigation Company
                          of Bombay visited Bahrain during tho your to look Into the
                                                                   / po8uibllltiea
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