Page 42 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 42
30 Records of Bahrain
6. WATt«.K CONBfiltVATlOH.
The Committee for the conservation or wutor supplies
which was fomod In 1940 not many tiuios during the your under
review, arid all. the applications for drilling wells aro scru
tinised carefully by thlo Committee.
Two of’ the largest building In Uahrain, the Loya
Uchool hostel and the Dllaun House wore nearing completion.
Three new Bhods on the Customs Pier were completed, A mobile
ernno with a lift of 12) tons was installed on the pior. The
ilunamah Water 8upply Saherae which wna taken over lust your by
the Public Works Department from the Contractors worked woll*
0, fihlfCTHlCyfY phpAKT^R^T.
i The building extension of the Usnamnh PAwer station
was completed, one 360 K.W, Diesel-Generating bet, one 860 K.W.,
Diesel-Generating 8ot and a 10 ton crane v;oro installed and
put into commission together with a complete now 3300 volt
oAitchboard of modern, enclosed, typo. The two remaining
old typo generating seto. installed In 1028, wore rumoved *n*d
sold for scrap. The total installed capacity of the station
is now 8,360 K.w. The maximum demand on the station was
934 K.W, while units generated amounted to 2,820,440, an in
crease of 30/ on the previous year. The supply of electricity
was maintained without eny inujor interruption.
Nine new sub-stations wore erected in various districts
of Munamah and up-to-date switchgear installed, five exlutlng
sub-stations were extended and some six miles of high Tension
Cables were laid underground connecting these substations to
the Power station. New low-tension distributors erected
in several districts and atruot lighting was provided whore
considered nocassary.
301 new consumers Wuru connected (hiring the year re
presenting an additional, load of CCS K.«. The total connected
load at the year end was 8<f</8 K.W. and tho totul number of con
sumers wail 2639. 1406 applications for nevi and additional
loud were received and at the year-end ooiuo 000 applications were
still outotuuding. It lu expected that tbi.ue wil» be suppliod
during 1061.
This system was maintained efficiently by liossra. Call®
end Vi 1 rales a Limit, od. A total of approximately 10,000 yards
of new cable was laid during tho year, linking Uuharioq and
Jufalr with tho Uanamah exchange, and a number of local overhead
lines constructed A 300-line extension was installed in tho
jiuimmuh KxohangO) and the Muharraq Exchange who brought Into
service* There aro 6 bolh-way Junctions serving the Man®w»h-
Uuharraq Exchanges. There aro et present 13 subscribers in
Muharraq. Tho number of lines in the llanuinah Exch n,;e in
creased from 272 in December 1949 to 364 in December 1060, ana
extensions from 120 to 106. Tho average daily rate of cells
in 1960 war* 1056 against 1496 in 1949. In December 1060
there were 126 applicants on tho waiting list. Iladio telephone
calls during 1060 were 209 to tho United Kingdom arid 237 to
the United States of America,
/ 10.