Page 74 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 74
62 Records of Bahrain
D.O. No. C/161. The 4th February, 1948.
Dear Sir Wipers,
As dosired in your demi-official letter No.
‘229-S, dated the 25th January, 1948, I have informed
the Shaikh of the name of Sho so called representative
of the "National Party". As you will see, however, from
the extract which I enclose from a letter of Belgrave’s
to me, the Shaikh by now knows about Abdulla Zairah. Is
there any objection to Rolgrave reporting to the "Times"
as ho suggests? perhaps a reference to the Embassy,
Tehran, is necessary before doing so.
2. I also enclose a translation of an extract from
the newspaper "Iran, Ma" regarding Abdulla Zairah's vi3it
which is of Interest.
Yours sincerely.
The lion*bio Lt-col. Sir Rupert Hay,*
K.C.I.E. C.5.T.
political Resident in the Persian Gulf,