Page 79 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 79
Persian propaganda, 1949
ric, mado a direct uppeul to oho different sections of
oho Persian populaoL m or have worked through organisations .
and persons opposed to the Tudeh. From the Russian point
of view this has helped to discipline a Party in which
there are many bourgeois elements. It has proved itself
to have considerable nuisance value, it has recently
purged itself, and It Is the only Persian party which
cun claim "to have prepared the people to accept communist
leadership more readily during a revolutionary crisis".
The Tudeh Party has not been an unrnLxcd evil
to Persia. Party members have exploited the situation to
their financial benefit, but In a land of corruption,
mismanagement) and feudal organisations, the Tudeh Party
has helped to introduce much needed reforms and to
expose the fraud and misrule of Government officials,
have helped to improve tho lot of the industrial worker
and have made the villages politically conscious. In
Azerbaijan the work of Tudeh Party officials during the
occupation has received favourable notice from the
British pressmen who accompanied the IJ.N.O. observers on
their tour of the country.