Page 96 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 96
84 Records of Bahrain
social offocts as it is soinotimos argued that the oil
coinpanios with the wostorn ini'luences thoy introduce
aro bringing out tho demoralisation und degradation of
the "noble Arab". In my opinion this is all nonsenso
at any ruto so far as Bahrain and the other Gulf States
are concorncd. Sexual immorality has always flourish-
od in those parts and the coming of the oil companies
has made no difference to its proportions. Drink and
dope aro perhaps more oasily obtainable than they
used to bo but I suspect that ovon in tho old days tho
majority of the people partook of them whenever an
opportunity arose. western influences are beginning
to have their effect on manners and dress and are
making the Muhammadans more tolerant of other faiths
but tho Gulf States are still far less westernised
than most other Middle East Countries and progress in
this direction is remarkably slow, especially as it
is not encouraged by the Hulers. Tho veil is still
rigorously observed by all Arab ladies, though I have
heard tho opinion expressed in Bahrain that it will not
bo long bofore they begin to discard it. Generally
speaking I think it can be said that contact with the
oil companies of Itself has had very little effect upon
tho morals und social customs of the people which have
been Influenced far more by the example of other Middlo
eostorn countries such us Egypt, Iraq and the Lebanon.
This is perhaps all tho more so because the companios
have located their European and jimorlcan employees in
camps at a distance from tho towns and generally
speaking discouraged them from Intercourse with the
local inhabitants, Further in Bahrain local employees
do not live in or near tho company's camp but are trans
ported to their homes when their day's work Is done.
I huve heard it said that while tho Bahrainis have not
boon corruptod by tho local oil company tho character
of tho bodouin employed by the Arabian American Oil
Company in Saudi arabia has changed for tho worse. I
cannot confirm this from personal experience but the
nomad of the desert is more likely to deteriorate under
the conditions which the oil industry generates than tho
settled Arab of the coastal towns.
7. I am sending copies of this despatch to
the British Middle East Office, Jeddah and the Kuwait
and Bahrain Political agencies.
I have the honour to be,
with the highest respect,
Your obedient Servant,
i I