Page 101 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 101

Local administration, 1946-1950              89

         PEHSONAI, & CONFIDENTIAL.  Office of the Political   noa^dentr*”
                                          Camp) Bahrain.
                                        tho 10th July, 1946.   VK-

                   Please refer to paragraph 4 of your personal and. .._J
          confidential letter No, Ext. 3606/46 of the 20th Juno 1946.   \l\
                                                                        l ■
               2. Molgravo h«3 now been in Buhrnin for 20 years and this
          long tiino in such a trying climato and constant aosociation
          with Arabs has undoubtedly affoctod his mentality and sapped; l*
          Ills pov/ors of initiative,   In addition ho is tho possessor ,
          of ari artistic temperament which rarely goos hand In hand with
          outstanding administrative ability,
               3.  lie is, I think, popular with the Shaikh und though \
                                                                  /    '' 1V
          there is ill-fooling against him amongst certain classes there* ^
          is iiu sign of any open agitation. My Instinct at present isr\\
                                                                . . /• Vv
          to muke no lnuiiodlato change.                             /;/' \*,
               4.   Delgrave will reuch tho age of 55 in December.1949,.
          and wo should do our best to unsure•that'ho goos then if.
          nothing hus induced him to retire earlior.   Meanwhile the.
          Political aosldont und Political Agont must prod him continually
          in order to Induce him to carry out tho roforms and develop­
          ments which Bahrain’s Importance as a contre of oil production
                \ *
          and uir communications has rondered necessary.   Before-
                     ' »                                                 .« .
          very long we 3hall havo seriously to consider suggesting to
          the Shaikh tho desirability of finding an assistant for1
                                                             : | c     ;
          him  »  who if ho provod satisfactory Y/ould eventually succAed *. .•}
          him.                                                         i.'
                                                              ' A       • >- •
               5. The abovo aro my views at present after consulting
                                                                         «! '
          Galloway who is in general agreement.. If after a few         *r
          months' further stay in Bahrain I find good reason td change..'. O.'
                                                                \ .• ^ ' '
           them I will inform you accordingly,
               6. I am sending a copy of this lottor to WeightraanV
                                                    Sd/ W.U. Hay
           li.P, Donaldson Esquire, C.M.G.
              Tho India Office,
                                                                          ; •
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